
发布 2020-03-03 03:51:28 阅读 7912





听力部分。一、 听音标号:(10分)


) the matter? colour is your ball?

) at the rainbow? at the monkeys.

) can hear a dog. can hear a plane.

) like monkeys. don’like monkeys.

) has some bread. has some bread.

三、 听问句选答句:(10分)

) like like monkeys.

) like toy planes. h**e a toy plane.

) is red.

) can find my bag. can hear a car.

) i i am.


五。听音选择,在**中对应位置打“ ”10分)

笔试部分。一。 选择不同类的单词。(10分)

二。 选择填空:(10分)

( )do you like? i like __

a. apple b. robot c. monkeys

) do __h**e for breakfast ?

we h**e some bread and milk.

a. you b. your c. our

)3. _is your ice-cream?

it is sweet.

a. what b. how c. who

) is it ?

a monster.

a. its b. it c. it’s

) eyes __big.

a. am b. is c. are

三。 看图补全短文。(10分)

i’m kitty . i’m nine. my f**ourite(最喜欢的)colour is (红色) .

i like( )they are cute. i h**e a . it’s (白色 ) i like it very much .

what do you h**e ?

四。 问答匹配。(10分)

) is ita .i like lions .

) animal do you likeb. it is sour.

) you like toy carsc. we h**e some noodles and eggs.

) do you h**e for breakfast ? d. yes , i do.

) colour do you likee i like red.

五。 阅读短文,判断正误,正确写t 错误写f。(10分)

sam : this is my brother.

amy : what’s his name ?

sam : his name is bob.

amy : hi,bob . nice to meet you .

bob : nice to meet you , too.

amy : how old are you ?

bob : i’m five.

amy : i’m seven.

① bob is a girl

② bob is sam’s brother .

③ sam is five

④ sam is seven

⑤ amy is sam’s sister. (

听力资料。一。 听音标号。

1. eggs 2. biscuits 3. water 4. juice 5. noodles

二。( b a a b a)

1 what colour is your ball ?

2 look at the rainbow.

3 i can hear a dog.

4 i don’t like monkeys.

5 she has some bread.

三。1 what colour do you like ?

2 what do you h**e ?

3 how is it ?

4 what can you hear?

5 do you like elephants?

a b a b a )

四。1 colour the apple red.

2 colour the ball green.

3 colour the elephant grey.

4 colour the car blue.

5 colour the toy bear yellow and brown.

五。1 what do you like , alice ? i like pandas.

2 what do you like , peter ? i like tigers and bears.

3 what do you like , kitty ? i like bears and monkeys

4 what do you like , ben ? i like lions

答案 笔试部分。

一 a a d c b 二 c a b a c

三 red , pandas , toy bear , white

四 b a d c e

五 f t t f f


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