
发布 2020-03-03 03:48:28 阅读 3645


) i’m from london.

) my name is nancy black.

) my hair is long.

) i’m nine.

) i’m not tall.

四、听录音,判断你所听到的句子是否符合要求,相符的画 ,不符的画 (听两遍)(5分)







) 1. name is helen. is helen.

) 2. ′m a boy. b. i ′m five. c. i ′m fine

) 3. a. yes,please. you.

) 4. a. no,thanks. b. i ′m sorry. nice!

) 5. you.

) 6. a. oh,nob. i ′m fine. nice.

) 7. to meet you,too. morning.

) 8. a. good afternoon. b. good nice to meet you.

六、 听录音, 写出所听到字母的大小写。(听两遍)(7分)。



1. a. bookb. catc. tiger

) 2. a. sofab. apple c. chair

) 3. a. telephone b. fridge c. bird

) 4. a. fatherb. mother c. friend

) 5. a. bedb. mango c. table

) 6. a. miss gao b. mr green c. mrs black

) 7. a. peachb. banana c. d**id

) 8. a. rulersb. books c. rubber

八、判断下列中英文意思是否相符。若相符打√ ,不相符打× (10分)

) 1.早晨上学前和爸爸妈妈说:good afternoon.

) 2. 南希,这是我的哥哥:nancy , this is my father.

) 3. 描述自己的个子矮时,说:i’m not short.

) 4. 这是一张沙发:this is a chair.

) 5. 向别人介绍自己的姐姐时说:this is her sister.

) 6. 睡觉前向父母道晚安: see you .

) 7. 要求帮助打开电视时说: close the door.

) 8. 看我的衬衫: look at my dress .

)9.说自己身体不好。 not so good.

) 10.天黑了,妈妈会叫你: turn on the light.

九。 将下列**和所给单词配对,填单词前的序号(20分)

a. pen b. milk c. pineapple d. pencil-sharpner e. dress

f. plane g. bookcase h. ice-cream i. monkeyj. walkman


) 1.当你第一次见到某人时,你可以说:

a. how are you? b. nice to meet you. c. oh, thank you.

) 2.当你生病时,别人询问你的身体情况,你可以说:

a. not bad, thank you. b.

not so good. c. i'm fine, thank you.


home , liu tao. b. get up , liu tao. up , liu tao.

) 4.客人到你家,你询问他要不要喝杯茶,你会说:

glass of juice? cup of coffee?

) 5.奶奶请你帮她开门,她会怎么说:

a .all the door, please. you.


helen: hello! what’s yourplease?

mike: _mike. what’s __name?

helen: i’m helen. nice to meet you.

mike: nice to meet you

helen:let’s go to the zoo __bike.

mike: all right.

听力材料。一、听录音, 选出你听到的单词所对应的**的序号(听两遍)(5分)。

is a big elephant.

is her pen.

at this shirt. it’s smart.

watermelon is nice

go to the zoo.

二、听录音,找出你所听到的句子(听两遍)(10分) 。

1..hello ,i′m gao shan

2. this is my father.

home now, wang bing.

4. .not bad.

on the tv ,please.

6. a glass of juice.

7. my eyes are small

is liu tao

9. how are you

10. i’m an english boy.


name is nancy black.

from london.

nine.not tall.

hair is long.

四、听录音,判断你所听到的句子是否符合要求相符的画 ,不符的画 (听两遍)(5分)

1.what’s your name?

2. this is my mother.

3. my name is mike.

to meet you.

close the door, please.


your name?.

2. how are you?

on the tv, please.

4. look at my new blouse!

5. see you!

6. some cakes?

to meet you.

8. good afternoon.

六、 听录音, 写出所听到字母的大小写(听两遍)(7分)。

aa dd ee ii kk oo ww


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