
发布 2020-02-29 02:32:28 阅读 9220

unit 2 robots, 9b


1. complain to sb向某人投诉/抱怨,complain about…投诉/抱怨。write a complaint letter写投诉信 (p22)

知识链接】complain to…about…向…投诉…, complain to the robot shop about the robot

2. post the letter for you→post sth for sb替某人寄某物。

知识链接】post/send sth to sb=post/send sbsth寄/送某物给某人。

3. do the housework做家务,do the laundry=do some/the washing=wash clothes洗衣服,iron shirts熨烫衬衣,make the bed整理床铺;铺床,sweep the floor扫地,wash the dishes洗餐具,explore dangerous places到危险的地方探索,play with…与…玩 (p23)

4. the first person to own a robot第一个拥有机器人的人,change one’s life a lot大大地改变生活。

5. in order to或so as to+动词原形,为了…,否定式in order not to, so as not to (p24)

知识链接】in order to/so as to可以转换为 in order that, so that“为了;以便;以致”引导的目的状语从句。 i need to buy a robot in order to h**e more spare time.

i need to buy a robot so that/in order that i can h**e more spare time.

6. make a great difference to mr jiang’s everyday life使江先生的日常生活有了很大的不同。

7. stay in bed for an extra hour=stay in bed for another hour

8. air the rooms给房间通风,go shopping at the supermarket去超市购物。

9. return home from work下班回家,return the robot to the robot shop把机器人还给机器人商店。

知识链接】⑴return to…=go back to…回到某地,当后接地点副词时,省略介词to。

return sth to sb=give sth back to sb把某物还给某人 (p25)

10. be happy with…=be satisfied with…对…满意, are you happy/satisfied with your job now?

知识链接】satisfy使满意→satisfied, satisfied, be satisfied with… what he said just now satisfied me.

11. a few weeks later几周后→in a few weeks几周后。





12. catch a virus感染病毒→virus的复数为viruses,cause a lot of problems引起许多麻烦

知识链接】we should be watchful of computer viruses. 我们应该警惕计算机病毒。

13. washing machine洗衣机,find his flat in a mess发现家里一团遭,make a mess搞得一团遭,in the end后来,too much trouble太多的麻烦,on the bed在床上。

14. just too much trouble只是带来太多麻烦。

15. solar batteries太阳能电池,absorb energy from the sun吸收太阳能量 (p28)

16. check all the connections检查所有的连结点,read the instructions again再看看说明书 (p31)

17. nod→nodded, nodded ⑴打盹 ⑵点头→shake one’s head摇头,shake→shook, shaken

18. wash up and then dry the dishes洗刷、然后把餐具弄干,clear up the mess收拾清理 (p28)

19. international robot exhibition国际机器人展,hold a robot exhibition举行机器人展,hold an international robot exhibition举行国际机器人展,exhibition centre展览中心 (p32)

20. ⑴free for children under 12十二岁以下儿童免费

free for… 对…免费 ②under+年龄,…岁以下→反义词:over+年龄,超过…岁。

receive a free copy of “robot” magazine免费领取一份《机器人》杂志,a copy of…一本…;一份…

21. expect to do sth期望/渴望做某事,expect sb to do sth盼望做某事。

【比较】look forward to+名词/代词/动名词,记住look forward to doing sth


1. iron=make sth smooth with an iron熨烫。

2. whatever=no matter what无论什么,wherever=no matter where无论**,whoever=no matter who无论谁,whenever=no matter when无论何时,however=no matter how无论怎样;然而。

3. bend→bent, bent, bend the robot’s knees, get down on one’s knees跪下。


1. when mr jiang was at work, the robot would move around the house and knock things over.

当江先生上班时,机器人会在屋子里到处转并打翻东西。 (p25)

2. coins were spread all over the floor. 硬币撒得满地都是。


the disease is likely to spread. 这种疾病可能会传播。

the disease is spread by mosquitoes.这种疾病是通过蚊子传播的。

3. mr jiang did not know what he should do with the robot.

mr jiang didn’t know what to do with the robot. 疑问词引导的宾语从句可以改为疑问词+不定式。

知识链接】what to do with…=how to deal with…怎样处理…,特别注意疑问词与动词的搭配。

4. it might throw my shirts into the dustbin along with the rubbish. (p26)


along with…和…一起;连同…

let's move along with the music.让我们跟着**动起来。

come along with me, children!孩子们,跟我来!

四。【中考无敌语法】in order to, as a result, need to

in order to表示目的。

in order to意思是“为了”,表示目的状语。in order to+动词原形→in order not to+动词原形,表示动作的目的,可放在句首或句中。in order to=so as to。

当in order to置于句首时,用逗号把前后两部分隔开。“in order to+动词原形”可以转换为“in order that或so that”引导的目的状语从句。

in order to catch the first bus, she has to get up early.=she has to get up early in order to catch the first bus.

she has to get up early in order not to miss the first bus.

she has to get up early in order that/so that she can catch the first bus.

as a result表示结果。

as a result结果;因此,表示结果状语。

as a result of…由于…的结果。

he made one big mistake. as a result, he lost his job.

as a result of the snowstorm, plenty of people had to stay in guangdong for the spring festival.


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