
发布 2020-02-28 21:29:28 阅读 5677

寒假作业(unit 1)



1. h**e a fever 发烧2. h**e a cough 咳嗽3. h**e a toothache 牙疼4. talk too much 说得太多。

5. drink enough water 喝足够的水6. h**e a cold 受凉;感冒7. h**e a stomachache 胃疼。

8. h**e a sore back 背疼9. h**e a sore throat 喉咙痛10. lie down and rest 躺下来休息。

11. hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的热茶12. see a dentist 看牙医13. get an x-ray 拍x 光片。

14. take one’ s temperature 量体温15. put some medicine on sth. 在……上面敷药。

16. feel very hot 感到很热17. sound like 听起来像18. all weekend 整个周末。

19. in the same way 以同样的方式20. go to a doctor 看医生21. go along 沿着……走。

22. on the side of the road 在马路边23. shout for help 大声呼救24. without th inking twice 没有多想。

25. get off 下车26. h**e a heart problem 有心脏病27. to one’ s surprise 使。京讶的。

28. thanks to 多亏了 ;由于29. in time 及时30. s**e a life 挽救生命31. get into trouble 造成麻烦。

32. right away 立刻;马上33. because of 由于34. get out of 离开;从……出萍35. hurt oneself 受伤。

36. put a bandage on sth. 用绷带包扎37. fall down 摔倒38. feel sick 感到恶心。

39. h**e a nosebleed 流鼻血40. cut his knee 割伤他的膝盖41. put her head back 把她的头向后仰。

42. h**e problems breathing 呼吸困难43. mountain climbing 登山运动44. be used to doing sth习惯做某事。

45. run out (of) 用完;用尽46. so that 以便47.

so. .that 如此… …以至于…48.

be in control of 掌管;管理。

49. in a difficult situation 在困境中50. keep on doing sth.

继续或坚持做某事51. make a decision 做出决定。

52. take risks 冒险53. give up 放弃。

三、背熟section a的2d、3a和section b的2b,并由家长检查。(家长签字。


h**e a toothache, i h**e to see a d___2、what’s the matter with you? i h**e a s___throat.

important for us to h**e a healthy lifestyle , to eat a b___diet.

english isn’t good enough, so i must try my best to i___it.

you h**e a headache, please lie down and r___

is tired, she should go to bed early, she s___go to the party.

you please get me some water? i’m a little t___didn’t go to school u___i was seven years old.

五、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

feeling terrible, i h**e a __stomach 2、it’s easy __say), but difficult __do).

should __drink) enough water every day. our body needs much water.

___h**e) a headache last week. but now he is __feel)better.

toostress) out, let me listen to some music now.

grandpa exercises for 3 hours to stay __health) every day.

bus driver stopped the bus withoutthink) twice.

the boy was interested in __play) tennis, he has problemsplay) it


) rainontheroad,sosheshoulddrivecarefully.

)3..youshouldn’tmakemistakes .

) ran


) waterfivedayslater. a. ranout c. ranoutof

)9 herhusband,shehasnowbecomeafamousfilmstar.

) theguitarathome.



)14.--whatdidyoursisterdo? -she___thebusatthebusstopandwenthome.


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