initials &abbreviations
npc:全国石油委员会 plo:巴勒斯坦解放组织
imf:国际货币**组织 opec:石油输出国家组织。
1. 查尔斯王子,不太受欢迎。
the diana decades
although diana has been dead for more than ten years, the public always think of her. she is viewed as the most beautiful princess. i think the public not only like her beauty, but also other aspects.
when diana got married with charles, she was a very innocent and kind girl. she once said she had seen the sadness of charles and wanted to help him. this shows she was very kind-hearted.
she was a teacher before she got married. as a teacher, patience and tolerance are needed. so many people think that diana was a good girl.
she was also a good princess and mother. when her marriage was wrong, she still continued her work as a princess and did well. she did not defame waleses, instead, she always rehabilitated for her royal family.
on the side, she was a good mother. she took good care of her two sons. this year, her son william got married.
william missed her mother as well.
the last but not the least. most people respected her because of her charity work. she spent much time on charity.
she tried her best to help aids patients. the public including the press called her angel.
kindness was the most important character for diana. i think this is the reason that all the people miss her.
摄影公共选修课作业。一 查阅资料回答以下问题。占总成绩的60 1 简述照相机的类型和特点 10分。2 比较镜间快门和焦平面快门的差异 10分。3 摄影镜头的焦距对 的影响 10分。4 光圈系数对 的影响 10分。5 量的概念,控制 的手段 10分。6 景深的概念 影响因素 规律 10分。7 简述色温...
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