
发布 2020-02-20 21:21:28 阅读 7284

said he___后悔) arguing with his mother.2. jim and d**id are my同班同学).

3. these are my friends他们的) names are han mei and weihua.

4. is jim kate' s兄弟) ?

5.--6. those are草莓) and these are桔子).

7. these two妇女) are my teachers..8.

is每人) here today?

9. that's my bird它的) name is 's this in english?it's a钟).

11. that' s not your classroom, it' s我们的).12.

there are many动物) over there.13. what's in the双胞胎的) bedroom?

14. what's your最喜欢的) colour?15.

are tim and tom in different学校)?

16. -what's the time? -it's a一刻钟) to seven.17. are there any警察) in the room?

18. his衣服) are grey. what about yours?19. can you count from one to a百) ?

女儿) are the girls?mr king's.21.

there are many people in that市场)22. chinese is our first语言).

23. the teachers say we must do morning操) every day.24. those young men are士兵).

25. he教) us english well, so our english is very good.26.

walking after supper is good for our健康)27. how much are the西红柿) ?

28. the greens are going to london for their假日).29.

they are from canada, so they are加拿大人).30. i want to buy a字典) for my son.

31. we must do our homework仔细).32.

are you渴) or hungry?

33. their小刀) are all old, i want a new one.34.

is that建筑物) a hotel or a shop?35. there are many farmers in the田地).

36. good morning孩子), are we all here now?37.

today is星期二), february 18th. i'm on duty.38.

i'd like an空的) box.

39. how many动物园) are there in that city?40.

what别的) can you see in the picture?41. my bike isn't坏的), it's ok.

42. put your外套) away, lily and kate.

43. yon can eat the cakes if you are饿)44. do you want any水果)?

45. i h**e porridge and eggs for早餐).

46there are some块) of bread on the plate.47. those boys are good at滑冰).

48. don' t扔) the yo - yo like that.

49. michael jordan is one of the best basketball选手).50. are the boys骑) bikes?

51. jim is giving a讲话,发言) .

52. the shop in our school关门) at 9 we h**e a class会议) every week.

54. to many people, the meaning of a name is重要的).


56. my grandpa often讲) us stories.57. you can give him your best祝愿).

58. it is important to know how to ask for help __礼貌地).59.

they are going to their故乡) next week.60或许) that man is a teacher; i think.

61. would you like to go for a野炊) with us tomorrow?62.

i'm very累), and i want to h**e a good rest.63. beijing, shanghai and wuhan are all big __城市).

64. i'm going to give my english teacher some漂亮的) flowers forteachers day.

65. beijing is very远). we h**e to go there by air.66. let's go __划船) on the river.

67. the monkeys爬)up the trees quickly .68.

september is the九) month of the year.69. let's meet在…外面) the school gate.

70. which month is hotter十月) or september?

71. we are going to h**e a party to庆祝) teachers' day.72.

they are going shopping一起) tomorrow.73. who' s重), lily or lucy?

74. who is the年轻) in your class?

75. our teacher comes into the classroom拿着) a book in his hand.76.

i think his story is有趣) of the three.

77. you must wait at home直到) he comes back.78. his door is closed没有人) is in.

79. the farmers种) potatoes on this farm.80. it's not a car but a卡车).

81. how many星星) can you see in the sky?82. tom runs快) than jim.

83. 'john wants to饲养) the animals on the farm,84. of all the animals, tigers are the危险).

85. tomorrow we are going to learn the十二) lesson.86.

-shall we go to the电影院) this afternoon? -ok.

87. -how many婴儿) deer are there? -three.

88. please给…看) me your new watch, i' d like to h**e a look.89.

why don't we meet a little __早)? let's make it 1:30.

90. sheep and rabbits just eat __草).

91. shall we go and see the clothes表演) this evening,992. he says we must keep our eyes闭).

93. can you show me the way to the博物馆)?94.

my home is about three公里) from our school.95. you'd better说) it in english.

96. i'm sorry he's not at home at the瞬间,片刻).97.

i think it's very hard to tr**el环绕) the big city.98. town cinema has the __差的)service in our city.

99. we can't help him, he has to ask a女警察) for help.100 in a few月)time,it will be covered with green things.

101 every day he完成) his work at 5:00.102mother is the忙) in my family.

103--which lesson is the hardest? -the五) lesson.104 let's meet at the shopping中心) at 11 o'clock.

105i'm going to参观) the great wall next week.

106 he works very hard, and享受…的乐趣) his work.107there are going to be two football比赛) tomorrow.108 is he good at驾驶) a car?

109 you' d better计划) your work carefully.110. i think it's much __冷) today.

111. his friends are all商人).

112. we sell the machines to many国家)113. everything is准备好了).

let's start.114. is the robot very有用)?

115. beijing is干燥) than shanghai these days.

116. -who发明) the telephone.? sorry, i don't know.

117. the robot listened to everything mr mott说).118.

mr mott finished打包) at 10:40.


120. the memory robot always watched mr mott睡觉) at night.121.

we moved to france nine years ago because my father找到)work there.

122. edison was a著名的) inventor in the world.123千)of people are at the concert now.

124. the reads enjoy看) news*****s.

125. which部分)of australia do you come from?126. he has a friend叫做) li ming.

127. it was下雨) hard when i wanted to go home:128. december comes after十一月).

129. what发生) in the middle of the concert last night?130.

he didn't h**e breakfast and went to school in a匆忙).131. look!

the children are ****** some雪人).

132. july is the热) month of the year, we don't go to school then.133.

did you help the farmers with the ricelast year?134my mother often does some洗) on sundays.135 he写) a letter to his penfriend last night.

136it was真的) cold yesterday.

137 the students are busyhelping he farmers with the apple __采摘) .138i like下雪) days because i like to play with snow.

139 in the___竞赛)__获胜者)always get very good __奖品).

140. bruce is going远足) in the blue mountains with his father.141there will be a强) wind in the northeast of china.

142 the weather here is very fine. we h**e a lot of阳光) every day.143 thank you very much for邀请) me to your party.

144sorry, he is not in at the moment. can i take a口信)?145miss zhan looked at me with a big __笑) on her face.

146i'm恐怕) i may be a little late.

147december the twenty- fifth is圣诞节) day.148 spring节日) is the most important in china.149 where will you go在…期间) the winter holiday?

150. they will h**e a big聚会) on december the twenty - fourth.151.

we wentto the movieyesterday evening __除了)carla .


九年级英语上册单词拼写 9a unit one 1.we shouldn t worry about 解释 why we were late for school.2.an hour is分成 sixty minutes.3.people出生 under the same star sign sha...


九年级英语上册单词拼写 9a unit one 1.we shouldn t worry about 解释 why we were late for school.2.an hour is分成 sixty minutes.3.people出生 under the same star sign sha...


网北大附属中学2011届高三英语精品复习资料 英语单词拼写。命题趋向 高考单词拼写的趋势如下 单词拼写试题是书面表达的最基本的技能,主要考查单词拼写能力 判断词性 词义的能力。最近几年的单词拼写的命题趋势如下 1 项目考查多样化,考查的词类主要为 动词 名字 副词和形容词。如下表 2 常用词多,生僻...