
发布 2022-12-11 07:33:28 阅读 2766


watched a w精彩的) tv show last night.

is n没有一样东西) in the box.

3.--can you help me ? of c自然)。

y自己) to some fish, children.

s好像) that he was ill yesterday.

students are b厌烦的) of too much homework.

likes writing d日记) every night.

weekend was very e令人愉快的) for me.

teachers always tell us to do many a活动) after class.

played a role in d决定) the test at last.

students we should t尝试) to learn english well.

think p滑翔伞运动) is very i like it a lot.

i went to the top of the mountain. on the top i f感觉) like a bird.

students ride their b自行车) to school every day.

are many old b建筑物) in beijing.

are a lot of t商人) in the center of the city.

twin sisters h**e few d差别).

it rains,we should take u雨伞) with us.

was foggy so we didn’t see anything b在…..下面) on the top of the mountain.

boy is old e足够) to go to school.

21. it’s twelve is very h饥饿的).

**的) park is in new york.

students we should do some h家务事) at home.

was so tired that i could h几乎不) walk.

go shopping o一次) a week, but my mother t两次) a week.

the i互联网) we can learn a lot.

your f**orite p节目)?

glass is f满的) of water.

摇摆) dance is very popular in china now.

is m也许) at home.

h**e at l最小的) 100 friends in chaohu.

parents tell us not to eat too much j无用的东西) food at school.

is good for our h健康) so we should exercise more.

you know the r结果) of the test?

know eight p百分之…..of the students like shopping.

at his qq, he is o**的).

t电视机) we can see and listen at the same time.

虽然) my grandmother is old ,she enjoys exercising.

t穿过) the park, you will see a big lake.

habits are good for our b身体).

go shopping t在一起).

old man is d死亡) ,he is very weak.

all know mo yan is a w作家)

you h**e a toothache, you should see the d牙医).

m杂志) are less popular than tv now.

don’t like 然而) ,i h**e to learn it well.

47. a几乎) all the students are in the playground.

没有一个) of us h**e been to australia.

got 133 p得分) in the english was very happy.

little girl is very o外向的),she never stops talking.

parents are b两个) at home.

do you like b更好地), math or chinese ?

english teacher always ask us to answer his questions l大声地).

little boy is sleeping q安静地).

know zhang xiuhua is a h辛勤的) girl.

you want to join the piano c比赛)?

was a f了不起的) writer.

can hear you c清晰地).

worked hard to w赢) the game.

people are t有才干的) in music.

t真正) care about my parents.

l笑) at others when they make mistakes.

teacher looked s严肃的).

girl likes looking at herself in the m镜子).

n必要的) to learn english well.

sweater is d不同的) from yours.

67. i think a real friend b使显现) out the best of me.

68. zhang qiaoyu often get good g成绩等级)。

is a s谚语): no pains, no gains.

t触摸) the picture,it’s very dear.


八年级上册。第一单元第一课新闻两则。1 解放军英勇善战,ru b k d ng 2 立所谓su j ng 区。3 企图z 人民解放军向南发展的道路。第二课芦花荡。4 照早出晚归捕鱼撒网那股y u xi n 的心情撑着船。5 和打h ng j n 的时候。6 子的身体往上cu n 了一蹿。7小船很厉害...


九年级英语上册单词拼写 9a unit one 1.we shouldn t worry about 解释 why we were late for school.2.an hour is分成 sixty minutes.3.people出生 under the same star sign sha...


九年级英语上册单词拼写 9a unit one 1.we shouldn t worry about 解释 why we were late for school.2.an hour is分成 sixty minutes.3.people出生 under the same star sign sha...