
发布 2021-05-01 11:21:28 阅读 2607

九年级英语上册单词拼写( 9a unit one)

1. we shouldn’t worry about __解释)why we were late for school.

2. an hour is分成)sixty minutes.

3. people出生) under the same star sign share相似的) characteristics.

4. he is active and likes to be the __领导).

5. we should give up做梦)in the daytime.

6. students should pay注意)to all our lesson everyday.

7. it’s impolite to争吵) with others.

8. it’s silly of him not to原谅) others for their过失).

9. energetic means h**ing a lot of精力).

10. zhou xinchi has a good感觉) of幽默)

11. she hates吵架) with her cousins.

12. millie is有耐心的) and good at __计划)everything carefully.

13. daniel is公平的)and treats everyone __公平地).

14. mr. wu spent a lot of time打包)his suitcase yesterday.

15. we ought not to shows off and we should be谦虚)

16. it is有智慧的 ) of andy to organize the activity well.

17. he is心灵手巧的 )of kitty to make such beautiful flowers.

18. andy is爱交际的 )enough to make a lot of friends容易地).

19. this month amy will h**e __成功) at school or work___大约) middle of month.

20. where其他的 ) will we go today?

21. we would like to __推荐) d**id ad the new主席) of the student’s学生会).

22. he got full __分数)in the last exam.

23. d**id is learning to use the computer to help himself get more __有条理的 ).

24. the boy has many good个人的品质)and doesn’t mind传递)the presents to us.

25. it’s our乐意 ) to help the elderly.

26. we love和平 ) and don’t like wars.

单词拼写 (9a unit two)

1. i’d rather把。。。涂颜色) the pictures blue than pink.

2. there is有毛病 ) wrong with my computer.

3. how many colours are there in a彩虹 )?

4. blue代表悲伤 ) and calm.

5. the walls were在。。。上刷油漆) blue yesterday.

6. blue创造 ) the feeling of harmony.

7. people who live in cold气候 ) prefer to use warm colours.

8. they would宁愿 ) use colours like orange and yellow.

9. the song使。。。想起 ) me of my childhood in the country.

10. green can give you energy, as it represents new life and成长 ).

11. somebody who needs体力 ) should wear red clothes.

12. red is also the colour of热 ) and strong feelings.

13. orange can使振作 ) you up when you are feeling sad.

14. sandy often has __困难发现)the mistakes in her homework.

15. we h**e made a决定 ) where to go tomorrow.

16. we h**e been担心 ) about her health for a long time.

17. sadness means不愉快 ).

18. when we studied in middle school, we used to write __日记) every day.

19. every似乎 ) to h**e secrets or was just not acting正常 ).

20. we all know that colours can影响 ) our心情 ).

21. after mrs. rainbow left __大学) ,she practiced colour therapy.

22. people with白 ) skin look good in red and purple.

23. she always建议 ) people what to wear.

24. could you give me some建议 ),andy?

25. i think the woman is feeling weak and a little bit压力 ).

26. red and white are a good搭配 ).

27. the powerful red平衡 ) the calm white.

28. yellow is the colour of智慧 ) and温暖 ).

单词拼写(9a unit three)

1. they made a lot of吵闹)in the room; and the room is __吵闹)now; so they quarreled吵闹).

2. millie has a problem and she doesn’t know how to __处理 ) with it.

3. this problem has made me very __不健康 ).

4. can you please teach me how to获得 ) a balance between the two?

5. he is疯狂 ) about对。。。作出回应) to his letters.

6. my parents are very严格 ) with me .

7. he often offers many建议 ) to us.

8. i think the this piece of advice will be the most有价值 ).

9. last year, mr. wang成功 ) in ****** a car by himself.

10. we are感兴趣 ) in支持 ) the project hope.

11. my mother asked me to plan my time仔细 ).

12. during last month we were busy复习 ) for tests.

13. would you like to h**e a rest for a一会儿 )?

14. the teacher认为 ) sandy the best student in the class.

15. he thought the painting相当 ) beautiful.

16. an unhealthy饮食 ) makes your body weak.

17. thank you for证明 ) him right.


九年级英语上册单词拼写 9a unit one 1.we shouldn t worry about 解释 why we were late for school.2.an hour is分成 sixty minutes.3.people出生 under the same star sign sha...


u.11.students should pay注意 to all our lesson everyday.2.it s impolite to争吵 with others.3.it s silly of him not to原谅 others for their过失 4.energetic mea...


said he 后悔 arguing with his mother.2.jim and d id are my同班同学 3.these are my friends他们的 names are han mei and weihua.4.is jim kate s兄弟 5.6.those are草莓 ...