
发布 2021-04-12 14:11:28 阅读 8201

2011山东济宁】五、单词拼写与运用(共8小题 , 计8分)


5. this is our art room. yours is on the三) floor。

smiths go to教堂) every sunday morning.

we know, china is an亚洲)country.

8. let me描述)how it happened.

答案:5. third 6. church 7. asian 8. describe



56. manatees eat about 100 英磅 a day. 56

57. 等 for her made me angry57

58. last sunday, two kids 拜访 me58

59. i’m more 外向的 than my sister59

60. he didn’t know what was 发生 outside. 60

答案:56. pounds 57. waiting 59. outgoing 60. happening



66.--星期二)is the third day of a week, between monday and wednesday.

67. bob was very careless, he made so many (错误)that he failed the exam.

68. my mother always鼓励) me face to the difficulties br**ely.

69. our teacher always all very严格)with us students in the study.

70. last year we went to egypt, but this summer we are going to visit an亚洲) country.

71除……之外)singing english songs, there are any other fun ways to learn english.

72. we’ll h**e a party next saturday for lily’s二十) birthday.

73. thanks to the**), thousands of people in wenchun h**e moved into their new houses.

74. i can’t hear you清楚地), could you please speak more slowly.

75. they invited me to the play, but i had to拒绝) because i was very busy.

答案:66. tuesday 67.

mistakes 68. encourages 69. strict 70.

asian 71. besides 72. twentieth 73.

government 74. clearly 75. refuse



67. they are h**ing great fun**) a basketball match on tv.

68. i really love the song. it听起来) wonderful.

69. taihu lake is a good地方) for people to go boating.

70. lang lang is a very著名的) pianist.

71. i’d like to collect邮票) because they are interesting.

答案:67. watching 68. sounds 69. place 70. famous 71. stamps




73. jack is so smart that he can answer these questions容易地) .

74. both of my best friends were born in十月) .

75. people will use robots to do the家务) in the future.

答案:73. easily 74. october 75. housework



young man with glasses teaches (我们) chinese.

you please pass me a (杯) of tea?

coat is green, but mine is (红色的).

had to stay (在) home last sunday, for it was raining all day.

(做) his homework late last night.

of the two girls look (像) their father.

are many (公园) in hangzhou.

s (高), lucy or lily?

go to (上班) at eight every day.

had her (十) birthday in china. she felt very happy.

答案:2011四川乐山】a) 根据下面句子的句意、汉语提示或英文解释,在句子右边的横线上写出空白处所缺单词的正确形式;每空一词。

71. the speaker raised his voice, so we could __听见) him71

72. the man standing over there is __我们的) chemistry teacher. 72

73. without glasses, he couldn’t see the words on the blackboard清楚地).

74. he failed his job interview again, and he felt reallywith no hope) about the future. 74

75. there are so many students playing basketball in thea place for students to play on). 75

答案:71. hear 72. our73. clearly 74. hopeless75. playground



71. ningbo is a beautiful ▲ 城市)with a long history.

72. uncle wang usually goes ▲ 游泳)in the river nearby on sundays.


做单词拼写题首先要读通句子,在此基础上,根据不同的情况,用所掌握的语法 词汇知识为标准,具体排除干扰,判断 找出错误,予以改正。一 词类转换。a 用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。1.which is far from us,the sun or the moon?2.the pot is used ...

高考英语热点专题 单词拼写

高考单词拼写专题指导。试题特点及命题趋势 1.所考单词都在考纲 词汇表 范围之内。2.所考词汇一般为多音节词,绝大部分单词在5个字母以上。3.多为常见词或容易拼写错误的单词,多数单词都有不同的变化形式。4.考查词类主要为 动词 包括非谓语动词 名词 形容词和副词,偶尔会有数词。5.题干句子简单明了,...


2008中考英语单词拼写题解题技巧。单词拼写题是中考英语试题中常见的题型之一,主要考查学生 识词 记词和用词 的能力。这类试题体现了 词不离句 的特点,要求学生注意单词在句子中的确切含义与正确形式,而不是孤立地死记硬背单词。单词拼写 题主要有下面一些题型。一 词类转换。a 按要求写出该词的相应形式。...