
发布 2021-03-31 20:54:28 阅读 3220






例1:theday of the week is sunday.

例2:we should brush ourbefore going to bed.

例3:march 8th isday.

例4:thank you very much for __me to your birthday party.

例5:she didn't go to school yesterdayshe was ill.


例6:“tom and jim, do everything by自己)!”

例7:when visitors ask you the way,you'd better tell them有礼貌地).

例8:there is less water in the river. it is getting干).


例9:—when does the library open?

it opens at 8:00 on w___and at 9:00 on saturdays and sundays.

例10:the brother of one's father or mother means u

例11:in autumn after a strong wind, the ground is often covered with fallen l___

例12:what were you doing when the bell rang at the b___of the class.

例13:summer is the h___season of the year.

例14:the more c___you do your exercises,the fewer mistakes you'll make.

例15:the new boy had so many strange questions that his teacher did not u___him.

例16:it's too hot. let's go s___in the river.

例17:we're finishing the second unit. now let's go on with the t___one.



and france are e___countries.

good __makes a good ending.


is a writer of rich __想象)。

based his ideas on __科学)experiment.

teacher has组织)a class trip to the great wall.


earth is one of the p___

7电脑) can do all kinds of things now.


8秋天)comes after summer.

american children posted some __圣诞)cards to us.

例题展示】2016湖北荆州)1. junk food tastes delicious, but it isn’t h___so we should keep away from it.

2016湖北荆州)2. our teacher has lots of e___in teaching. so he often makes his class active.

2016湖北荆州)3. in our english class, we are often d___into eight groups to parctice conversations.

2016·贵州铜仁) (b) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,答案书写在答题卡卷ⅱ各小题规定的位置。

and you’ll find it on your left.

___is the second day of a week.

cooks very well and he is a c___

must f___the traffic rules.

8.—how is your uncle? —f___thank you.

will go to the bookstore at half p seven tonight.

is an h boy. his classmates all believe in him.

12:00 let’s go to h**e l in the dining hall.

got up late, so she had to h up to catch the school bus.

found a w on the street and some money was in it.

2016·海南) b)根据句意及所给的词首字母或汉语提示,补全单词。

14. as we know, the m goes round the earth.

15. bill u gets home at 6:00, but today he didn’t get home until 7:00.

16. after working for several hours, he was t and fell asleep soon.

17. laibin is b___the cities of liuzhou and nanning.

18. there are t___of people in tian’anmen square.

19. kim i___me to spend my winter holiday with him in tibet last year.

20. don’t speak loudly in p___it’s impolite.

21. —what day is it?—it’s w___

22. october is the tmonth of a year.

23. —which do you prefer, tea or coffee?

—ni like water.

24. last night, my brother didn’t go to bed uhe finished his work.

25. look! the girls are singing and dhappily under the tree.

26. in hezhou, i think february is the coldest in a year and july is the h___

2016甘肃天水)27. the summer holiday is coming. two hof the students will go to the beach.

2016甘肃天水)28. what do you want to do after you gfrom high school?

2016甘肃天水)29. the boy is strong enough to swim athe wide river.

2016湖北宜昌)30. i’d like to i___all my relatives to a big family dinner this weekend.

2016湖北宜昌)31. you will be healthier if you overcome the bad h___of staying up late.


单词拼写题是中考英语试题中常见的题型之一,主要考查学生 识词 记词和用词 的能力。这类试题体现了 词不离句 的特点,要求学生注意单词在句子中的确切含义与正确形式,而不是孤立地死记硬背单词。单词拼写 题主要有下面一些题型。一 词类转换。用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。1.which isfar fro...


2008中考英语单词拼写题解题技巧。单词拼写题是中考英语试题中常见的题型之一,主要考查学生 识词 记词和用词 的能力。这类试题体现了 词不离句 的特点,要求学生注意单词在句子中的确切含义与正确形式,而不是孤立地死记硬背单词。单词拼写 题主要有下面一些题型。一 词类转换。a 按要求写出该词的相应形式。...


1.通读全句,确定意思。通读全句,根据前后内容判断该词意思,确保所填单词在逻辑意义上与整个句子一致。1 germany and france are countries.分析 德国和法国都是欧洲国家,所缺单词修饰名词countries,故填european。2 a good makes a good...