
发布 2021-05-01 11:28:28 阅读 9187

eat a lot of potatoes (土豆).

2. indien can speak english well. but she is an italian意大利人).

3. would you like something else (别的)?

4. walk along the road and turn right at the third crossing __十字路口).

5. it' s about five days'(天) work.

6. do you think it necessary_(必需的) for us to learn to wait?

7. a few minutes later(后), i saw the plane again.

8. it's not a very good line. could you speak more clearly清楚) ?

9. bob is no longer_(不再) a young man.

10. the green family returned (归来) to china last friday.

11. you must stop smoking_(抽烟).

12. hangzhou is one of the most beautiful cities (城市) in the world.

13. h**e you visited my workplace_(工作场所)?

14. go to school in (穿着) your school clothes on monday.

15. they can't _take(带) the baby with them to go swimming.

16. there are some bridges (桥) over the river.

17. that old man died (死) five weeks ago.

18. father looks very worried__(担忧的) today.

19. be careful when you cross (横穿) the busy street.

20. i didn't h**e bread for breakfast, i had a bowl of porridge _ instead __代替).

21. his father's coming back makes/made (使得) him feel very happy.

22. today i came to school without (没有) breakfast.

23. i was too busy and missed (错过) the film "titanic".

24. i will tell you when he reaches__(到达) my home.

25. is the license in one of your pockets (衣服口袋) ?

26. -what's wrong? -i cut (割) one of my fingers just now.

27. if someone pushes (推) hard, the old man will fall over.

28. there are so many visitors (参观者) in the west lake.

29. you must keep quiet_(安静) in class.

30. he changed(改变) his name when he was in the usa.

31. it's not good to laugh at others' mistakes (错误).

32. there's nothing serious_(严重) with him, i think.

33. the food smells very nice/good (好).

34, of the three, mr brown is the fattest_(胖).

35. do you believe(相信) what he said?

36. maybe/perhaps (或许) he will come here tomorrow.

37. can you make the baby stop crying (哭) ?

38. the film is really _wonderful (精彩).

39. i dreamt/dreamed (梦) i was in shanghai last night.

40. her dog died last week, her cat died today, it made her very sad_(悲伤)

41. mike fell (跌倒) off the chair and hurt his leg.

42. it's hard to finish (完成) the work in such a short time.

43.the big boy called_(叫做) wu hai is the best player on his team.

44. mary enjoys listening (听) to the music.

45. this is a black cat with(有) one white ear and two white legs.

46. my mother worries_(担忧)about my health and study very much.

47. the twins enjoyed themselves (她们自己) at the party.

48. her f**ourite_(最喜欢的) subjects at school are science and maths.

49. this is an interesting (有趣) story book for children.

50. please drive more carefully(仔细).

51. all the runners (跑步者) got ready to run.

52. the teacher stood at the starting (起跑线) line.

53. the boat is missing (不见了), where is it?

54. which sports were you in (参加) that day?

55. which is harder/more difficult(难), english or chinese?

56. lucy did worse (坏) than lily in chinese.

57. to our surprise (惊奇), the old man's hair turned black the next day.

58. if you h**e a lot of money (钱), what will you do?

59. here is another (另一张) picture of mine.

60. he heard (听见) someone playing the piano last night.

61. the old woman couldn't find her purse, she looked worried(着急).

62. we held/had (举行) an english party the day before yesterday.

63. the baby laughed happily (高兴).

64. if it rains(下雨) tomorrow, we won' t go to the zoo.

65. an indian(印度人) showed them the way on the map.

66. is his father a cook(厨师)or a cleaner?

67. i don't really (真正地) agree with you.

68. it seems (好象) that chinese food is very popular in the world.

69. he likes the soup (汤) with popper and oil.

70. she is a good kind(善良的) girl.

71. don't cross (横穿) the road. it is dangerous.

72. there aren't any signs(迹象) along the mad. he is lost.

73. that car nearly hit(撞) her.

74. there are many passengers (旅客) at the bus station.

75. don't make any noise(吵闹). you'll wake the baby up.

76. she is studying. you mustn't disturb(打扰) her.

77. i often feel weak and tired(疲劳).

78. waikiki is one of the best beaches for surfing(冲浪) in honolulu.

79. i hope someday diving will be an event(比赛项目) of the olympic games.

80. -are you doing ok in protecting(保护) the environment? -yes.

81. –would you be back as soon as possible (尽快)? all right.

82. listen ! how beautifully (动听) he is singing !

83. come and see us whenever (无论如何) you h**e time.

84. it is a bad manner to spit_(吐痰) in public places.

85. don' t throw the rubbish (垃圾) everywhere.

86--87. the sooner (早) you start, the earlier (快) you will come back.

88. we were all excited(激动) because we saw an interesting film.

89. can you tell me what the number of jim's flight_(航班)out of beijing is?

90. look at the instructions(说明) for the smiths' trip.

91. the music sounds (听起来) like birds singing.

92. if you get a chance_(机会) to go there, please take it.

93. the little boy was amazed (惊讶) at the beautiful fish he could see in the sea.

94. the sign here warns (警告) you not to smoke.

95. it' s not allowed(允许) to take the books out of the classroom.

96. the story happened a few centuries (世纪) ago.

97. these days the workers are busy producing_(生产) this kind of medicine.

98. his parents always encourage (鼓励) him to study hard.

99. tom is very _proud (自豪) of his new car.

100. his son is living abroad(国外) now.

101. how many chinese stamps h**e you collected (收集)?

102. it's _comfortable_(舒服) sitting with him under the tall tree.

103. his long talk is just a waste (浪费) of time.

104. the things can be recycled (**).

105. the policemen are searching (搜寻) the woods for the lost child.

106. what's the population_人口) of zhejiang this year?

107. at last a smile appeared__(出现) on her face.

108. the rules of society_(社会) must be obeyed by everyone.

109. if you want to start it, just press (按) this button.

110. the boy does well in most of his lessons, especially (尤其是) chinese.

111. how many straight (直的) lines must be drawn here?

112. mr zhang graduated (毕业) from beijing university in 1982.

113. the more careful you are, the fewer_(少)mistakes you will make

114. the population of any other country is smaller_(少) than that of china.

115. mid - autumn is a traditional(传统的) festival for chinese.

116. a new museum will be _built/founded_(建成) next year.

117. english is the most widely_(广泛) used in the world.4

118. a river is a natural(天然的) waterway.

119. a _digital_(数字的) camera is dearer than that kind.

120. the speaker was cheered(欢呼) by the listeners.


精选500词 1 23 日期姓名教师。1.absent 缺席,缺勤。2.accept 接受。3.achieve 完成 达到。4.address 地址。5.advantage 优势,优点。6.afford 支付得起。7.agree 同意。8.alive 活泼的 活着的。9.already 已经。10....


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