
发布 2020-02-20 13:24:28 阅读 6612


课题:unit 1 welcome back to school限时作业。

a let’s talk look and say (no.1)

一、 我会选。

1 、i’mthe uk.

a of b on c from

2、 we h**e two new___

a friends b friend

二、排序。( )i’m from the uk.

) boys and girls, we h**e a new friend today.

) hi, i’m amy.

) welcome.


课题:unit 1

a let’s learn let’s chant (no.2)

一、read and match.


二、listen and number.

uk china canada usa

三、 抄写cat bag hand dad

四 、read and write.

t a c” “a d d” “g a b” “d a h n”

课题:unit 1

b let’s talk look and say( no.3)

一、 我会选。

1 、-where are you from?

a i’m fine. b i’m from the usa. c i’m four.

2 、this is mike. _is a boy.

a she b he

二、排序。 )i’m from the uk.

) mrjones,this is amy.

) hi, amy.

) where are you from?


课题:unit 1

b let’s learn let’s chant (no.4)

一、read and match.


二、read and choose

he she

1. this is mike.__is a boy.

2. this is amy.__is from the uk.

3. this is mr jones.__is a teacher.


课题:unit 2 my family限时作业。

a let’s talk look and say (no.1)

一、 我会选。

1、-who’s that man

a he’s a teacher. b she’s my mother.

c he’s my father.

2 、-nice to meet you

a hello! b nice to meet you,too.

二、排序。 )nice to meet you.

) hi, is my friend, amy.

)nice to meet you..


课题:unit 2

a let’s learn let’s chant ( no.2)

一、read and match.

father woman motherman

二、listen and number.

mother man woman father

三、 抄写ten pen leg red

四、 read and write.

n e t ” p n e ” d e r ” g e l ”

课题:unit 2

b let’s talk look and say (no.3)

一 、我会选。

1 、what’s that boy?

a she’s my brother. b he’s my brother.

2、is she your mother?

a yes, she isn’t. b yes, she is

3、is he your father?

a yes, he is . b yes, she is.

4、is he your father?

a yes, he isn’t. b no, he isn’t.

5、who’s that girl?

a he’s my brother. b she’s my sister.


课题:unit 2

b let’s learn let’s chant ( no.4)

一、read and match.

brother mother grandfather grandmother sister

二look and say(展示全家福并介绍自己的家人)


课题:unit 3 at the zoo限时作业。

a let’s learn let’s do let’s spell (no.1)

1、 将单词与正确的**连线:

thintallshort fat

2、写一写: 每个写两遍,注意格式哟!

bigsixpig milk

课题: unit 3

a let’s talk draw and say (no.2)


1)( look at the giraffe! it’s so

c. short

2look at the pig! it’s

c. short

3look at the monky! it’s

c. short


mike: look at my cat ! it’s fat.

课题:unit 3

b . let’s learn , let’s do , start to read.( no.3 )


long shortbig small


1、look at the monky! it’s has atail.

2、 look at the pig! it’s hasears.


课题:unit 3

b. let’s talk,make a monster, let’s check, let’s sing. c. story timeno.4)


mike:look at the elephant!

1)it’s has atail.

2)it’s has anose.

3)it’s hasears.


课题:unit 4 where is my car? 限时作业。

let’s learn let’s do let’s spell (no.1)

一、 写出下列单词的汉语意思:

chair on under desk in

二、写一写: 每个写两遍,注意格式哟!

dogboxbody orange

课题:unit 4

a let’s talk let’s play (no.2)


) 1、当你想问我的铅笔盒在**时,应该问:

my pencil box.

is my pencil box?

c. it’s in my pencil box.

) 2、当你问: where is my pencil box?时,应该怎样回答:

my pencil box.

is my pencil box?

c. it’s in your desk.

)3、a:where is my pencil?


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