
发布 2020-02-19 23:35:28 阅读 1723


同学们:国庆假期中请认真完成以下作业:1.复习第二单元,准备假期后单元检测; 2.完成本张练习。请家长督促检查哦。 家长签名。














13. 指着国王。

14. 每一位老师。

15. 许多蜂蜜。

16. 愚蠢的孩子。

17. 看一场鹦鹉表演。

18. 在天空中。

19. 穿过城市。

20. 对她好。

二、选择 ) 1. ia new bag yesterday.

a. get b. getted c. got

) 2. each studentone picture.

a. draw b. draws c. drawing

) 3. the red skirt you.

a. fiting b. fitting c. fits

) help his mother housework.

a. wants ,do b. wants to, with c. wanted , with

) 5your sweater. it’s windy outside.

a. put onb. wearc. wearing

) 6. he look after well.

a. could, she b. can , her c. could, his

) was in the morning. but it in the afternoon.

a. sunny, rainy b. sunny, rained c. rainy, sunny

)8. it’s turn sing the song now.

a. helen ,to b. helen`s, for to

) the bread? —tom did.

a. takes b. take c. took

) a parrot photo them.

a. show , to b. showed, for c. showed, to

)11. these clothes are new. please .

a. try on them b. try them on c. try it on

)12. the ice some water.

a. turn to b. turned into c. get into

)13. an old man walked the river.

a. through b. by c. in

)14. the old man is nice us.

a. to b. of c. for

)15. my bike is broken, so i home.

a. h**e to walk to b. h**e walk to c. h**e to walk

)16. it often in summer?

a. is, rain b. does, rain c. does, rainy


1. the jacket fits yougood).

2. please try onthis) new clothes.

3. his cousin oftenwash) bowls and plates after dinner.

4. it is too late. heh**e to) go home now .

5. it wasrain) all day on 20th september.

6. look! the bearseat) honey.

7. the king had a special hobby . helikewear) new clothes.

8. the lion was angry and (shout)at the man.

9. it israin)now. take an umbrella with you.

10. it`s time (go) to bed.

11. i could (ride) a bike five years ago.


1. 多么漂亮的牛仔裤啊。

2. 我妈妈总是穿着那件上衣。my mother always the coat.

3. 每个学生得到了一个苹果,他们很开心。

eachan apple. they __happy.

4. 去年,我们老师对我们很好。our teacherslast year.

5. 女孩细心地照顾了他,然后狮子变成了一个王子。

the girlhim. then the liona prince.

6. 今天下午,我收到了朋友麦克给我的礼物。

this afternoon, ia presentmy friend, mike.

7. 轮到我放风筝了。

it`s myto

8. 在我小时候,我的妈妈总是给我很多故事。

my mother stories when i was a child.


1. there were some flowers in the park.(改为一般疑问句)

___thereflowers in the park?

2. please close the door. (否定句)

please___close the door.

3. helen is ****** new clothes for her doll.(划线部分提问)

helen __

was the second of october.(划线部分提问)


5. mike does his homework on sundays. (改为否定句)

mikehis homework on sundays.


s21st september

it was c in the morning .i got up late . i couldn’t eat my breakfast .

i took some b and h with me . i w to school by b .

i got to school at eight . miss li had her english l in the classroom .

i was very sfor miss li .


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