2024年高考英语题 英语

发布 2020-02-11 21:56:28 阅读 4392




1. (安徽省三名校2010届二次联考)we students got lost in the forest and decided to remain __we were and waited for the guide

a.where b.what c.how d.who

2. (2024年哈师大附中、东北师大附中、辽宁省实验高三第二次联合模拟)

i would never come to this restaurant again. the food is terrible!

a. nor am ib. neither would i

c. same with med. so do i


do you mind if i smoke here?

whatever you do is ok with me.

a. i am afraid sob. you’d better not.

c. i am afraid notd. no. go ahead, please.

4. (江西省九江市2010届六校联考)(it was on my way home __my father made the promise __i can do well in next exam he will buy me whatever i want.

5. (吉林市吉林一中2010届高三3月月考)so little __that the neighbor could not settle their difference.

a. they agreedb. they did agree

c. agreed theyd. did they agree

6. (山东省泰山外国语学校2010届高三下学期3月月考)she locked her room __a thief would break into it.

a. in case that b. for fear thatc. in case of d. for fear of

7. (江西省九江市2010届六校联考) on the border between england and wales, there is a town which was once on ly a market, but __has now become a huge bookstore as well.

a.where b.whichc. what d. that

8.(银川一中2010届高三年级第一次模拟)that is the small house less than 20 square meters, under __roof lives a large family of three generations.

a. whichb. whose c. itsd. that

9. (湖南师大附中2010届四次月考)h**e you noticed the problem __he is now in low spirit ? come?

a. where, what b. that, howc. in which, for d. what, as

10.(安徽省三名校2010届二次联考)we students got lost in the forest and decided to remain __we were and waited for the guide

a.where b.what c.how d.who

11. (江西省会昌中学2010届高三下学期第一次月考)

mr white has been working all the morning with no rest.

he is a(nman. he never looks tired.

a.energetic b.powerfulc.lovely d.attractive

12. (2024年上海市晋元高级中学高三下学期第二次模拟)

i am surprised that you failed to pass the exam again!

— if only i __your advice. i wasted too much time playing!

a. takeb. tookc. had taken d. h**e taken

13. (安徽省2010届第五次综合测试)now that we’ve discussed our problem, are people happy with the decisions __

a.taking b.takec.takend.to take

14. (吉林市吉林一中2010届高三3月月考)before the hope project was carried out in this poor area, children here had no

to education.

a. accessb. approach c. attituded. attraction

15. (银川一中2010届高三年级第二次模拟)i do not intend to follow that, because we shall h**e an opportunity to do so on another

a. occasionb. situation c. condition d. environment

16. (山东省沂南一中2010届高三一摸)

what did you think of __president?

i didn’t care for him at first, but after __time i got to like him.

a. the, ab. /thec. the, the d. /a

17. (湖南省雅礼中学2010五次月考) i can' t help if my students are always ****** any noise in class.

a. this b. that. c. them t

18. (山东省沂南一中2010届高三一次模拟)h**ing introduced the advanced scientific methods, the factory turned out __in 2006 as a year before.

a. as many as four times machines b. four times machines as many

c. four times as many machines as d. four times as many machines


jack has spent an hour in the shoe shop. hasn’t he decided which pair of shoes to buy?

maybe. young as he is, he isabout his appearance.

a. specialb. curiousc. particular d. serious

20. (湖北省2010届第五次综合测试)when i saw mum nod __to me, i calmed down and went on with my acting.

a.encouragingly b.amazingly c.increasingly d.accordingly

21.(湖北省2010届第五次综合测试)jenny nearly missed the flight___doing too much shopping.

a.as a result of b.on top of c.in front of d.in need of

22.(江西省九江市2010届六校联考)do you plan to walk there __you miss the bus?

a. unless b. until c. since d. supposing

23.(江西省九江市2010届六校联考) july 22,2009 the longest total solar eclipse (日全食) of the 21st century across china ,which could be an once-in-a-life-time moment for many chinese.

a. witnessed b. seen c. happened d. occurred

24. (湖北省黄冈中学2010届11月月考)the city is well known for its education of good quality, however, its standards of education h**ein recent years .

2024年高考英语复习 高考英语 选择题通用技巧

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