
发布 2020-01-01 23:48:28 阅读 3854





1. no matter whatever happens, we’re determined to do our best and make the experiment a success. (2003.

11)ab cd2. comparing with the weather of last winter, it is much milder and more pleasant this winter. (2004.

11)ab cd3. being felt that she had done something wonderful, she sat down to rest. (2005.4)

a b cd

4. _he felt tired out after the long journey for eight hours. (2005.11*本题也属于倒装)

a. strong as he is b. the stronger he is c. strong man that he is d. for he is strong

5you feel too ill to go out, i would rather not stay at home tonight. (2006.11)

a. because b although c. unless d. if

6. it shames me to say it, but i told a life when __at the meeting by my boss. (2007.4)

a. questioning b. h**ing questioned c. questioned d. to be questioned

7. _the price is, they are prepared to pay. (2007.11)

a. however b. whichever c. whatever d. wherever


1~7 aaaac, cc


而在北京市**本科学位英语考试中,常出考题的则集中于不定代词、反身代词和关系代词方面,其中不定代词和关系代词多出现在选择题中,而其余则出现在改错题中。在代词的主谓一致方面,如everything, everybody, every one, anything, anybody, anyone, something, somebody, someone, nothing, nobody, no one等谓语动词均用单数。而大多数人称代词、疑问代词或关系代词都有三个格:

主格(i, we, you, he, she, it, they, who)、宾格(me, us, you, him, her, it, them, whom)和所有格(my/ mine, our/ours, your/yours, his/his, her/hers, its/its, their/theirs, whose)。反身代词(myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves)可以做宾语、补语和介词补足语成分,与句子中的主语或其他成分保持一致。此外,还存在一些疑问代词在复合句中做关系代词,如:

which, who, whose, that, as, how等。其中,which/who通常作从句的主语,不同的是which代替前面的句子或先行词,而在先行词为人或人称代词时则用who,而在which可有可无时,可以用that替代,通常that 可以省略,但在正式程度较高时,不可省略。另外,which替代前文或句子的全部时,可用as表示或互换。

how则是对前文中行为所涉及的方式在从句中交待时,或从句作为主句的补充说明时,连接前后文,即:主句与从句。另外,还有whatever, whichever, wherever, whoever, no matter what等,通常表示让步。

1. _is known to all, too much smoking will cause lung cancer.(2003.11)

a. that b. it c. as d. what

2. do not trust such men __often like to praise you to your face.(2004.4)

a. who b. that c. as d. they

3. the writer has published many books, are well received by the readers. (2004.4)

a. none of whom b. all of which c. neither of who d. one of which

4. isn’t that __they call peace and friendship? (2004.4)

a. which b. this c. what d. where

5. the mother didn’t know __to blame for the broken glass as it happened while she was out.(2004.

11)a. who b. when c. how d. what

6. helen was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the others, _of course, made the others jealous.(2005.

4)a. who b. what c. that d. which

7. _is well known, the key to success lies in hard work.(2005.4)

a. as b. that c. which d. what

8. give the books to __needs them for the english class and the writing class. (2005.11)

a. whomever b. whom c. who d. whoever

9. _he says or does won’t make me change my mind at all.(2006.4)

a. whatever b however c. which d. how

10. he was very rude to the customs officer, _of course made things even worse.(2006.4)

a. who b. whom c. what d. which

11. _purpose did you say their team would beat ours ?(2006.4)

a. for which b. what c. for what d. which

12. the news quickly spread through the village __the war had ended(2006.11)

a. which b. what c. that d. where

13. we live in a time __more than ever before in history, people are moving about. (2006.

11)a. what b. when c. which d. where

14. it turned out that the man was an excellent policeman working in new york, _had contributed a lot to the case. (2007.

4)a. that b. which c. who d. where

15. after the war, a new school building was put up __there had once been a theatre.(2007.

4)a. that b. where c. which d. when

16. “what makes her so unhappy?”(2007.11)

“__one of her f**orite books.”

a. because she lost b. because of her losing c. she lost d. her losing

17. _the price is, they are prepared to pay. (2007.11)

a. however b. whichever c. whatever d. wherever

18. there were dirty marks on her trousers __she had wiped her hands.(2007.11)

a. where b. when c. that d. what

19. i made a call to my parents yesterday. to my disappointment, _of them answered it.



语法专题。名词。考点扫描。表示人 事物 地点或抽象概念名称的词叫做名词 noun 它在中考中考查的题型很多,有单项选择 完成句子 完形填空等,其中,名词的数及名词所有格是中考热点。考点剖析。名词 分为普通名词和专有名词两大类。其中,普通名词又包括可数名词和不可数名词。一 名词的数 1.可数名词的数。...


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