高级写作 期末复习

发布 2020-01-01 09:55:28 阅读 9173

句型。信的开头。i am writing in connection with ……


i am delighted to inform you that……


i regret to advise you that ……

说明能做与不能做的事情we are able/unable to ……we h**e been forced to ……说明原因。

this was owing to ……


we would be grateful if you could……without delay道歉。

we are extremely sorry for ……询问信息。

we would appreciate it if you could inform us about……轻度抱怨。

unfortunately, we h**e not yet received your……i am writing to complain about……

强烈抱怨。i hope that it is not necessary to remindyou that ……

you will be able to provide us with a satisfactory explanation.普通结尾。

looking forward to hearing from you.


i hope that this information will help you.

please do not hesitate to contact me if you are need any furtherinformation.


we hope that this has not caused you any in convenience.邀请信。

we should be very pleased if you could……介绍。

the purpose of this report is to……

from the chart shown, we find/learn/notice that……结论。

it was decided that……

according to the findings above, it can be concluded that……建议。

we would recommend that……

with reference to the advantages stated above, the followingrecommendations can be made,比较主体中的一部分。

…accounts for x% in the whole pie chart





to h**e little changeto keep steady

estate房地产business park商务区industrial park工业区property market楼市。

real estate broker房地产经济商/中介property consultancy房地产中介premises agent房地产中介lease租lessor出租方。

lessee/renter/tenant承租方put out to lease招租accommodation使用面积。

job offer招聘。

job application求职申请job hopping跳槽job applicant应聘的人candidate候选人。

recruit v.雇佣/聘用n.应聘成功的人pick/select/shortlist v.选拔cv/resume个人简历job description工作描述。

employer-employee relation劳资关系management-union relation劳资关系industrial relation劳资关系industrial dispute劳资纠纷industrial action罢工=strikeworkforce工人群体personnel/staff员工。

public company上市公司。

plc- public limited company上市公司private company未上市公司state-owned company国有公司publicly-owned company公有公司。


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