
发布 2024-04-11 01:00:11 阅读 6272


tree christmas

year 47. thin

unit 1 he? he is my father.


she? she is my mother.


he? he is my grandfather.


she? she is my grandmother.


he? he is my brother.


she? she is my sister.


unit 2 his name? 他叫什么名字?

his name is sam. 他的名字是sam.

her name? 她叫什么名字?

her name is candy. 她的名字是candy.

unit 3 does he look like?他长什么样子?

he is tall. 他很高。

does she look like?她长什么样子?

she is tall and pretty.她很高而且很漂亮。

unit 4 are you going? 你要去**?

i’m going to the park. 我要去公园。

are you going? 你要去**?

i’m going to the zoo. 我要去动物园。

are you going? 你要去**?

i’m going to the school. 我要去学校。

are you going? 你要去**?

i’m going to the bookshop. 我要去书店。

are you going? 你要去**?

i’m going to the supermarket. 我要去超市。

unit 5 is a boat on the lake.湖上有一只船。

are trees in the park. 公园里有很多树。

is a dog in the park.公园里有一只小狗。

are birds in the park. 公园里有很多小鸟。

unit 6 is a present for you. 这是送给你的礼物。

thank you. 谢谢你。

is a card for you. 这是送给你的贺卡。

thank you. 谢谢你。

christmas. 圣诞节快乐。

you too. 你也是。

4. happy new year. 新年快乐。

you too. 你也是。


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