
发布 2024-03-30 07:35:10 阅读 5831


一、 请将下列句子变成间接引语。

1. he said: “i le**e my book in my room.”

he told me that

2.she said: “he will be busy.”

she said that

3.she said to tom, “can you help me?”

she said to tom that

4.she asked, “is this book yours or his?”

she asked me

5.the teacher asked, “how did you repair it?”

the teacher asked me

6.the teacher said to the students, “don’t waste your time.”

the teacher told the students

7.“will you go to the concert with me this evening?” mary asked me.

mary asked me

8.the boy said to us, “i usually get up at six every day.”

the boy told us that

9.he said, “we are still students.’

he said that

10.he said to me, “i am watching tv now.”

he told me that



1. miss guo __teach) us chinese this term. she __be) a very good teacher.

she often __talk) with us after class. many of us like __talk) with her.

2. where __their father___work)? he __work) on a farm.

3. what time __the shop __close)? it __close) at nine o'clock in the evening

4. he __go) to school by bus every day.

5. tom can not walk fast because he __carry) a he**y box.

6. she often __read) english in the evening.

7. she __go) to school at eight o’clock.

8. he usually __up at 17:00. (get)

9. she __live) in beijing.


1. i like the red sofa. (变否定句)

2. she has a nice cap. (变一般疑问句,并做肯定及否定回答)

3. i am a bus driver. (变一般疑问句并做肯定回答)

4. they play football in the garden everyday. (变成否定句)

5. there is an egg in the basket.(变成复数形式的句子)


一、 将下列动词变成过去式。




putreadcatch __teach___



rungivewin __know __

grow___throwdraw __show___


二、 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. ibuy) a new dictionary the day before yesterday.

2. —what daybe) it yesterday? —itbe) friday.

3. hebe) here half an hour ago.

4. we oftenplay) games last term.

5. shegive) me a book a moment ago.

6. the girlget) up very early this morning.

7. theytake) photos near the river an hour ago.

8. henot watch) tv yesterday evening.

9. —whybe) the boy late for school? —because hebe) ill.

10. mr. greencome) to visit me last night.

11. the teacheragree) to our idea yesterday.

12. theymake) him work twelve hours a day last year.

13. isee) him in the library two days ago.

14. shewrite) her address on the blackboard ten minutes ago.


1. i was at home this morning. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

2. he did morning exercises in the morning. (改为否定句)

3. they had a big dinner yesterday. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)

went to see my uncle last sunday. (改为否定句)


1. —what did your father do when he was in england? —hein a car factory.

a. work b. worked c. is working d. will work

2he __at this school last term? —yes, i think so.

a. did; study b. does; study c. was; study d. did; studied

3. —who cleaned the blackboard yesterday, dick? —john

a. cleaned b. does c. did d. is

4. there __a lot of people at the street corner when the accident (事故) happened (发生).

a. was b. were c. h**e been d. had

5. he turned off the lights and then

a. le**es b. left c. will le**e d. is le**ing

6. —hi, kate. you look tired. what's the matter? —i __well last night.

a. didn't sleep b. don't sleep c. h**en't slept d. won't sleep

7. jenny went into the room, took off his coat and __down on a sofa.

a. would sit b. was sitting c. sat d. had sat

8. everyone___there when the meeting began.

a. was b. is c. are d. were



1. what___youdo)?

2. ising) an english song.

3. what___hemend)?

4. hemend) a car.

5.__youfly) a kite? yes

6.__shesit) in the boat?

7.__youask) questions?

8. weplay) games now.



(a)i am looking after the baby. (b)i'm look aftering the baby.

(c)i look am aftering the baby. (d)i looking after the baby.


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