
发布 2024-03-19 05:55:15 阅读 8367


)1、a. tree b. three ( 2、a. lake b. like

)3、a. bridge b. fridge ( 4、a. high b. hill

)5、a. mouse b. mouth


) 1. the rat(老鼠) is __the box. a. 旁边 b. 上面。

) 2. the rat is __the boxa. 下面 b. 后面。

) 3. the rat is __the boxa. 上方 b.前面。

) 4. the ball is __the dogsa. 前面 b.中间。

) ball is __the doga. 上方 b.旁边。



( )there are some rivers in my village.

( )there aren't any tall buildings in my village.

( )this is a picture of my village.

( )there is a bridge on each river.

( )there are many tall trees beside the new road.


1. 植物 pl __t2.瓶子b__ t __e

3.自行车b i___e4.**ph __t___

5.时钟 c __o__ k6.正面 fr __t

7. 在……中间bet__ n 8.在……下面 __nd __r

9. 在……后面b __h __nd 10.在……旁边 n __r

七、 将汉语与对应英语连线。新|课 | 标|第 |一| 网。

)1.我的房间a. on the third floor

)2.在第三层b. in front of the desk

)3.在书桌前面c. my room

)4.在墙上d. beside the bed

)5.在床的旁边e. on the wall


) soup( )window

) paint ( 5. sound count


) a hill in the picture.

a. is c. are

) there a nature park? yes

there b. there is c. there are

) 3 there __three fish on the table

a. is c. are c. am

)4.__there any flowers in the nature park?

a. am c. are

) father can draw very___

a. good b. well c. pretty

) is __garden

a. toms b. tom’s c. toms’

) is a bridge __there.

c. over

) there __tall buildings in the city?

a. any b. some c. a

)9.__are the flowers? they are near the river.

a. what b. where c. how

) is behind jim, jim is __tom.

a. front b. in front of c. behind

) is a bridge __the river.

b. on c. over

room is __nice.

a. really b .good c. sure

just moved into __old house

a. anb. ac. /

) a clock, two flowers and three books.

a. is b. arec. am

) 15. my grandmother can __very well

a. sing b. sings c. singing


1、公园里有一座小山。 there is a in the

2、 村庄里有一条河吗? _there a in the village?

3、 森林里有湖吗?不,没有。

is there a in the forest? no

4、公园里有一座桥。there is a in the park .


are there tall in the nature park?


is a computer on the desk.(改为一般疑问句)

there a forest in the nature park?(否定回答)

there any photos in the room?(肯定回答)

are some pretty flowers.(变成一般疑问句)

zoo, the , animals ,there, are ,any (连词成句)

十。二、阅读短文,作出判断。(对的话写t ,错误的写 f)

i’m from a small village. it’s in the mountain . the houses are small .

the trees are green and tall . in front of my house there is a river. there are many fish in the river.

my f**ourite seasons is summer. i often swim in the river and catch the fish with my friends. behind my house there are two trees.

one is an apple tree and the other is an orange tree . the apples are red and sweet . the orange are juicy.

next to my house there is green grass. it’s very beautiful. i like my village very much.

) houses in my village are tall and big.


2013 2014学年度第一学期。北师大版五年级数学上册第五六单元检测题。五 班座号 姓名评价 同学们,我们已经学完了第。五 六单元的内容,你想知道自已学得怎么样吗?请你完成下面各题,给自己一个满意的答复吧!评价建议 得 45为a 级 得45 40为a级 得40 35为b 级 得35 30为b级 得...


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