
发布 2024-03-18 16:10:08 阅读 1356



men男人们 women女人们 children 孩子们 people人们。

everyone每一个人 camera照相机 picture图画相片 many许多。

help 帮助,救命 hurt受伤 easy简单的 hard困难的 loudly吵闹地。

quietly安静地 slowly缓慢地 quickly快速地

二、句子( 注意划线的单词)

1 this is a man\woman \ baby.

these are men \women \children.(*单数用this,复数用these)

2 these are many people in the train station. everyone is tired and hungry.

3 the bus is slow. it goes slowly.

(名词) (动词)

修饰名词用形容词,修饰动词要使用加 ly 的副词形式)

4 i see some children playing .


5 may i take a picture, please?(回答:yes, you may/no, you may not./sure)

6 jenny shops quickly. (shop 表示购买,他还有商店的意思)







)1 jenny , pointa desk, please?

a in b to c on

)2 jenny is quick . but not danny. danny is

a quiet b loud c slow

)3 the baby's father is a

a man b woman c girl

)4 may ihere, please? yes, you may.

a draws b drawing c draw

)5 what 's lily doing? she is

a laughs b laughing c laugh

)6 these are five

a man b women c baby

)7 women and children are

a people b person c men

)8 boys and girls are

a men b women c children

)9 liming is hungry. jenny is hungry.

danny is hungry, toois hungry.

a many b everyone c they

)10 i see some children

a play b plays c playing


1 the bus goesquick quickly)

2 "2366547954×45832146523" iseasy hard)

3 but her mother is agirl woman)

4 "snooore whoooo!" danny is sleeping. he isquiet loud )

5 there arepeople on the square. (much, many )

6. they areman ,men)

7. imy finger.( hurt , help)

8. the baby iseveryone is readingquiet, quietly)

三、连线。may i take your picturesure.

who wants to go shoppingno, he can't.

it's hard, can you help meno, thanks.

can danny fly a kiteeveryone wants.

答案。一,1、b 2、c 3、a 4、c 5、b 6、b 7、a 8、c 9、b 10、c

二,1、 quickly

2、 hard

3、 woman

4、 loud

5、 many

6、 men

7、 hurt

8、 quiet/quietly

三,may i take your picturesure.

who wants to go shoppingno, he can't.

it's hard, can you help meno, thanks.

can danny fly a kiteeveryone wants.


018五年级英语下册第二单元复习资料。第二单元 一 重点词汇。spring春天。summer夏天。autumn秋天。winter冬天。season季节。picnic野餐。goonapicnic去野餐。pick摘。pickapples摘苹果。snowman雪人makeasnowman堆雪人go swi...


五年级 下 unit 2 18.单词 people 人们 many 许多的 许多 child 孩子 复数形式为children women女人 woman的复数形式 men 男人 man的复数形式 say 说 help 救命 帮助 worry 担心 担忧 sad 悲伤的 take 乘坐 买下 拍照 ...


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