
发布 2024-03-18 04:45:10 阅读 8921





hello! i’ m lixiaoming. i’m 10.

i h**e big eyes . i’m tall and thin. i like english.

i often read books on the weekend. i can clean my room everyday. my f**ourite food is ice cream.

it’s sweet.

2用自己学过的句型来介绍自己最喜欢的一位老师。 ms liu is mychinese teacher. she is short and fat.

she has long hair. she isvery kind . i like ms liu.

3假如你是liuxing,给你的朋友qingyun写封信,介绍自己平日里的饮食习惯。 dear qingyun,my f**ourite food is ice cream. it’s sweet.

i don’t like some milk and noodles for like some chickenand rice for lunch. i like salad very much. what about you?

yours liuxing



hello! i’ m lixiaoming. i’m 10.

i h**e big eyes . i’m tall and thin. i like english.

i often read books on the weekend. i can clean my room everyday. my f**ourite food is ice cream.

it’s sweet.

2用自己学过的句型来介绍自己最喜欢的一位老师。 ms liu is mychinese teacher. she is short and fat.

she has long hair. she isvery kind . i like ms liu.

3假如你是liuxing,给你的朋友qingyun写封信,介绍自己平日里的饮食习惯。 dear qingyun,my f**ourite food is ice cream. it’s sweet.

i don’t like some milk and noodles for like some chickenand rice for lunch. i like salad very much. what about you?

yours liuxing

4.用i can来写一写自己会做的事情i can swim,i can drawcartoons.

i can wash my clothes and clean the room. i can play ping-pong. i’m helpful.

5.用there be句型介绍一下自己的房间。this is my room.

thereis a big bed in my room, there is a clock above my bed.

there is a desk and a chair beside my bed. my schoolbag ison the desk.

there are some photos on the wall.

there are two plants on the window. i like my room.


i h**e a friend. his name is liyue. he is tall and strong .

he hasshort hair and small eyes. he is very friendly. he likes f**ourite food is beef.

4.用i can来写一写自己会做的事情i can swim, i can drawcartoons.

i can wash my clothes and clean the room. i can play ping-pong. i’m helpful.

5.用there be句型介绍一下自己的房间。this is my room.

thereis a big bed in my room, there is a clock above my bed.

there is a desk and a chair beside my bed. my schoolbag ison the desk.

there are some photos on the wall.

there are two plants on the window. i like my room.


i h**e a friend. his name is liyue. he is tall and strong .

he hasshort hair and small eyes. he is very friendly. he likes f**ourite food is beef.



1、请以my f**ourite teacher为题,从所教学科、长相等方面简单介绍一下你的老师。(不少于5句话)

my f**ourite teacher

my f**ourite teacher is miss li. she is my chinese teacher. sheis tall and young.

she is kind. sometimes she is strict. herclass is funny.

i like my chinese teacher.


my f**ourite teacher

i h**e a good teacher. he is mr he. he is my pe teacher.

he istall and strong. his class is funny. he often books and ping-pong on the weekend, his f**ourite food is beef.

because it`shealthy. i like my pe teacher. what about you?

3、请以my weekend为题,写一写你平时在周末做什么。

my weekend

i often busy on the weekend. on saturday morning , i do myhomework. i read books in the afternoon.

on sunday morning, ioften listen to music. i play football with my friend. in theafternoon.

i watch tv on sunday evening. i like my about your weekend? can you tell me ?

4、请以my days of the week为题,介绍你一周的课程或活动安排。

my days of the week

i go to school from monday to friday. i h**e chinese , english,and maths every day. i like mondays and fridays .

because ih**e pe class. i can play ping-pong, i like tuesday , i h**e music. i can play the pipa.

i often do homeworkand watch tv on the weekend. what about you?


欢的原因。hi! i`m li ming.

my f**ourite food is ice cream. it is sweet. idon`t like chicken.

but beef is ok. because it`s healthy. i likemilk.

it`s fresh. i don`t like coke. it`s not healthy.

what`s you***vourite food ? can you tell me ?


hello! i`m li ming. i h**e salad and beef on mondays andfridays.

salad is my f**ourite food. it`s fresh. on tuesdays andwednesdays , i h**e chicken and tomatoes.

on thursdays, ih**e milk and fruit. milk is my f**ourite drink. it`s about you?

tell me ,please!


做什么。we`ll h**e an english party next week. i can play the piano forthe party.

li le can sing english songs. ming ming can do somekung fu for us. my good friend yan yan can play the pipa.

we`llh**e a happy party.


my room

this is my room. it`s small,but it`s nice and clean. there is abed, a desk and a chair.

there is a photo on the wall. there is abig clock above the desk.

my computer is on the desk. there are many books on thedesk, too. i like my room.

what about you?

9、同学们,你们的乡村美吗?都有些什么呢?请用英文简单描述一下吧。my village

this is my village. it`s beautiful. there are many tall buildingsand some small houses.

there are many mountains near myvillage. there are many trees on the mountains. there is a longriver in front of the village.

look! there are many ducks on theriver. there are many fish in the river.

i like my village verymuch.


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