
发布 2024-03-14 11:55:10 阅读 3822



听力题 (30分)


active sunday pork mirror flower

二、听句子,把正确选项填入题前括号内。( 10分。

) do you h**e on ?

) would you like for ?

) can . the flowers the meals the there ? river lake c. a forest

三、听问句,选答句。( 10分。

) miss white. b. mr zhao. is strong

) wednesday. is very thin. h**e art and music.

) h**e computer and often read books. like saturdays.

) can wash the clothes. like some fish. helpful at home.

) near the table can clean the bedroom. is a closet.


四、 找出不同类的词,将选项填入题前括号内。(10分)

) 2. c. tomato

) 3. c. sour

) 4. c. near d. behind

) 5. bin


)1.-who’s your art teacher? -

a he’s a teacherb mr. hu c he’s tall.

) mr. carter like?

a he’s my english teacher. b he’s from canada. c he’s strong.

) is saturday. what day is it tomorrow?

a it’s sunday. b it’s monday. c it’s friday.

) do you do on saturdays?

a i often do my homework. b i often h**e class.

c i’m a student.

) class do you h**e on wednesday?

a we h**e tofu. b we h**e music and art. c we often watch tv.

) hungry. what do we h**e for dinner?

a computer class. b eggplants and pork. c a new teacher.

) you sweep the floor?

a no, i don’t. b no, i can’t. c yes, i am.

) can you do at home/

a. i can empty the trash. b i often sing. c yes, i can.

) is the trash bin in your home?

a it’s a yellow trash bin. b it’s big. c it’s near the table.

) there a river in the park?

a yes, there is. b yes, it is. c it’s a river.


) 1.如何询问谁是你的语文老师a. who’s your chinese teacher? 's your chinese teacher like?

) 2. 你想知道今天是星期几,该怎么问?

a. what day is it todayb. what time is it?

) 3. 你午饭吃了茄子和鱼,可以说:

a. i’d like some tomatoes and mutton. h**e some eggplant and fish.

) 4.如何询问对方在星期六干什么。

a. what do you do on saturdays? b. what do you h**e on saturdays?

) 5.你想知道amy最喜欢的水果是什么,可以问?

you like grapes, your f**ourite fruit,amy?


) he often do homework.

) is the end like some green beans..

) do you do on saturdays? can empty the trash.

) would you like for lunch? near the bed.

) can you do at tall and strong.


) books a 看书 b 做作业 c 许多书。

) tv a 看电视 b 玩电脑游戏 c 打篮球。

) beans a 绿色的花 b青豆 c卷心菜。

) the table a 擦桌子 b 摆饭桌 c 铺床。

) the clothes a 洗碗碟 b 洗衣服 c 做衣服。

九、 阅读理解,根据短文内容判断正t ,误 f。(10分)

my name is peter. i study in no. 5 primary school.

i’m 10 years old. my f**orite day is thursday. we h**e english, music and computer on thursday.

my f**orite food is cabbage, because it’s healthy. i like my art teacher. she’s beautiful and very kind.

i h**e a happy family. my parents are businessmen. they’re busy.

so i often help them do housework. i can sweep the floor, wash the clothes and do the dishes.


一 给划线字注音。琐屑 交卸 差使 簌簌 鲜腴 狼藉 赋闲 踌躇 宛然 蹒跚 拭 不禁 颓唐 倔强 鄙视 秀颀 坦荡如砥 潜滋暗长 虬枝 婆娑 晕圈 搀 恹恹 旁逸斜出 洗涤 濒临 迂 遏制 凋谢 兴味 格调 俯瞰 飓风 臼齿 辟邪 鲜腴 草茎 绿釉 炽红 饱涨 密匝 吆喝 扳尖 乍 触目伤怀 记载...


一 请默写出下列单词。老的年轻的可笑的和蔼的聪明的。严格的有礼貌的努力的愿意帮忙的害羞的。2 请完成下列句子。1 ayour math teacher?b mr zhao.根据答句写出问句 2 a根据答句写出问句 b he s thin and s very kind.3 a她很年轻吗?b no她很...


一 按英文字母顺序默写gg zz 10分 二 选出不同类的单词。10分 3a skateb swim c climbd season 4a firstb twoc secondd third 5a may b julyc sunday d june 六 连词成句。10分 1 do up you wh...