
发布 2024-03-13 02:50:11 阅读 5856

一、按英文字母顺序默写gg — zz (10分)


)3a、skateb、swim c、climbd、season


)5a、may b、julyc、sunday d、june


1. do up you when get?

2. which you do best like season?

3.i am book a reading.

4. about how you?

5. mike name is my.


)1john接到**介绍他自己时,用英语应该怎么说: a.i’m is john.


a.when is your bithday? b.happy birthday to you!


a.good morning. b.good afternoon.


a.what day is it today? b.what’s the date?


a.what are you doing? b.what do you like?


a.i like spring. b.i like winter.


a.please hold on. b.thank you.


a.i do morning exercises at 8:30. b.i get up at 8:30.


a.i like red. b.me too.


a. i am playing chess. b.he is playing chess.


) 1. a. sheep b. calf c. lamb d. foal

) 2. a. radio b. recorder c. towel d. walkman

) 3. a. fever b. cough c. toothache d. hospital

) 4. a. hockey b. sports c. rugby d. volleyball

) 5. a. observe b. borrow c. experiment d. make


) 1. kate __ill. she can’t __school today. a. is, goes to b. is, go c. is, go to

) 2. we often h**e performances __the meeting hall __children’s day.

a. in, on b. on, on c. in, in

) 3. _do you like science field trips? we like them very much.

a. what b. how c.


) 4. can i help you? yes, i __buy a lamp. a. want to b. want c. wants

) 5. _there a library in your classroom? no, there __

a. are, aren’t b. is, isn’t c. is, is

) 6. we often do __in the science lab. a. experiments b. exercises c. listening

) 7. how much are theare sixty –five yuan.

a. t-shirt, they b. shirt, it c. shorts, they

) 8. _and __are my f**ouite animals. a.

puppy, kitten b. puppies, kittens c. pig, piglets

) 9. where __yang ming often __hockey? a. do, play b. does, plays c. does, play

) 10. here __some strawberries for youa. is b. are c. am

九。 读句子,找出与句子内容相符的单词,将其标号填在括号内。

) 1. they are very cute. their mother often helps people catch mice. what are they?

a. puppies b. kittens c. goslings

) 2. they are brothers. but they never see each other.

they like radios. what are they?

a. ears b. eyes c. arms

) 3. there are many desks and chairs in it. you can borrow books from it.

a. library b. classroom c. language lab

) 4. tom is ill. his mother takes him to the dentist. what’s wrong with him?

a. headache b. stomachache c. toothache

) 5. you often play this game on the field. there are usually 11 players in each team.

a. basketball b. football c. volleyball

十。 根据情境选择句子,并将其标号填写在括号内。

) 1. -what’s wrong with you

a. you should go to see a doctor b. i h**e a cold c. don’t worry

) 2they are ninety-eight yuan.

a. how much is it b. how many books are there c. how much are they

) 3we can call it a kid.

a. what do we call it b. what can we call it c. what is it

) 4. -how do you like science

a. it’s interesting b. i like it very much c. i h**e two

) 5.--what are these

a. they are strawberries. b. it’s good. c. yes, it is.


sam lives on a farm in the north of england. every day he gets up and helps his father before he goes to school. on the farm, there are three pigs, twenty cows and two thousand sheep!

sam has some chickens and in the mornings, he puts all the eggs in a basket for his mother. sam would like to h**e a goat because the milk is very good for you. after breakfast, sam goes to school.

it is ten kilometers from his home. he goes on a bus with a lot of other children from the village. sometimes it snows and the bus can’t come.

sam likes that!

) 1. sam lives on a farm in america.

) 2. there are three pigs, twenty cows and two thousand sheep on the farm.

) 3. sam goes to school by bike.

) 4. sam would like to h**e a goat because the milk is very good for you.

) 5. sam likes snow.

十二。 读短文,按要求完成下列任务。

my uncle jim

hello. my name is richie. let me tell you about my uncle jim.

he’s my f**ourite uncle. he’s tall. he has brown hair and blue eyes.

he’s 34 years old. he likes wearing his red and yellow shirt. it’s the shirt of his f**ourite soccer team.

uncle jim loves soccer and fishing. he comes to visit us every sunday. every time he comes to visit, we play soccer together in the park.

and sometimes, he takes me fishing by the river.

when we catch some fish, we bring them home. then uncle jim stays for dinner. he likes to cook the fish for us all to eat.

uncle jim is a good cook. he is almost as good as my mom! while we’re eating dinner, he tells funny stories about fishing and soccer.

he makes me laugh. my uncle jim is a funny man.

task 1 根据短文提供的信息,选择正确答案,将标号填入题前括号内。

)1. why does uncle jim like wearing his red and yellow shirt?

a. because richie g**e it to him

b. because it’s the shirt of his f**ourite soccer team

c. because he has red hair

) 2. why do richie and uncle jim go to the park every sunday?

a. to play soccer b. to catch fish c. to watch uncle jim’s f**ourite soccer team

) 3. why does uncle jim stay for dinner when they catch some fish?

a. because he likes to watch the soccer on tv

b. because he likes the way richie’s mom cooks the fish

c. because he likes to cook the fish for richie’s family.


一 请默写出下列单词。老的年轻的可笑的和蔼的聪明的。严格的有礼貌的努力的愿意帮忙的害羞的。2 请完成下列句子。1 ayour math teacher?b mr zhao.根据答句写出问句 2 a根据答句写出问句 b he s thin and s very kind.3 a她很年轻吗?b no她很...

2019人教版小学语文五年级 上册 期末试卷 2套 教育

套 1 人教版五年级语文上册期末试卷。一 拼音 14分 一 读拼音写汉字。4分 l ngmi w nsh 聚 轻 蜒 名。二 给加点字选择正确的读音,画上横线。4分 俊俏 j nz n 便宜 pi nbi n 枯燥 z oc o 尽管 j nj n 三 多音字组词。6分 di o zhu n pi ...


一 教材简析 月光启蒙 是苏教版小学语文第十册新增进的课文。本教材以 动态生成 的观念引领教者优化课程资源的开发与利用。课文以民谣 童谣 谜语的形式,充分展露 母爱 童心 智慧 这一主题。二 教学目标。根据2001年版 全日制义务教育语文课程标准 和苏教版这一类文章的特点,以及学生的认知水平,我拟订...