
发布 2024-03-12 14:25:06 阅读 5055


)1. j__ p a. mu b. am c. nm

)2. w __k a. ol b. al c. el d. ul

)3. swa. iw b. mi c. wi d. im

) roo a. anga b. eng c. agna d. ange

)5. tr __k a. un b. an c. on d. en

)6. s __p a. ele b. lee c. eel d. lep

)7. clia. bm b. me c. em d. mb

)8. f __t a. ihg b. igh c. gih d. ghi

)9. s __ng a. wi b. iw c. mi d. vi

)10. dria. ng b. ke c. ne d. nk


) 1. i see the rabit

a. run b. runs c. runing d. running

)2. whatthe ducks doing ?

a. are b. is c. do d. does

)3. we are at the sports

a. meet b. meeting c. meetings d. meets

) 4. lookthe tiger .

a. to b. at c. in d. up

) 5. the babyis sleeping .

a. pandas b. pandas c. panda d. \

) 6. do you seebears ?

a. a b. an c. some d. any

) 7. the elephant is drinkingits trunk .

a. for b. with c. to d. at

) 8. the lions arethey are eating .

a. thirsty b. busy c. hungry d. sleeping

) 9. the monkeys are climbing

a. tree b. mountain c. flower d. trees

) 10comes a kangaroo .

a. here b. there c. it d. that




they are


bigpark !


come three


pandasbananas .


can tigers


what isdoing ?


the elephants are drinkingtrunk .


lookmonkeys .


yourolling .


a: what’s thatthe pictures ?

b: it’s a monkey .

a: what’s thedoing ?

b: let meoh , it’sa tree .

a: whatyou see in this picture ?

b: iseelions . theysleeping on the ground . and two elephants are drinking with their

a: oh , ithem very much .


this is sue’s picture . it is about some animals . we can see two kangaroos are jumping .

and a bear is playing with people . there are some lions sleeping . a baby tiger is walking .

its mother is looking at her baby kindly . oh , look at the big panda . it is climbing a tree .

it is so cute .

)1. this ispicture .

a. lucy’s b. mary’s c. sue’s

)2. how many kangaroos are there in the picture ?

a. one b. two c. three

)3. what animal is walking ?

a. a bear . b. a baby tiger . c. an elephant .

)4. what is the bear doing ?

with people . b. playing each other . c. sleeping .

)5. motheris looking at its baby kindly .

a. tiger b. panda d. lion

参***。一、dbdaa bdbad

二、dabbc dbcda

三、1. can some animals 2. good climbers 3. what a nature 4. here tigers

5. some are eating 6. really swim 7. mother kangaroo 8. with their

9. at those cute 10. are not

四、in monkey see climbing can can some are trunks love



一 read and choose.读一读,找出不同类的单词。10 singc.swimming hersc.your oursc.their excitedb.readc.jump listeningb.eatingc.sleep二 read and write.写出下列单词的 ing形式 9 1...


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