
发布 2024-03-05 03:10:11 阅读 7924


窗户) _cher(教师 )朋友 ( 女孩 ( 尺子 ) nty(二十)

rty( 四十 ) sic(** ) 瘦的。

10. sch__ lbag(书包) 学生 )


a. twenty b. thirty c. forty-two d. twenty-one e . fifty

三、选出一个与其它三个不属于同一类的单词。( 15分)

)1. a. thirty b. fifty c. too

)2. a. math b. english c. book

)3. a. blue b. ruler c. green

)4. a. quiet c. forty

)5. a. notebook b. floor c. wall

)6. a. apple b. big c. small

)7. a. cake b. car c. bike

)8. a. crayon b. sharpener c. picture

)9. a. catb. peach c. rabbit

)10. a. friend b. mike


) english booka. 看电视。

( )tvc.他的**。

) rightd.电脑游戏。

) photoe.一本英语书。

) game f.短头发。

) friendi. 你说对了。



( )1.当你介绍你的好朋友留着黑色短发时,应该说:

has long black hair. has short black hair.

has big eyes

( )2.当你要告诉同学们你喜欢科学课时,应该说:

a. i like math. b. i like science.

like computer games.

( )3.当你称赞对方“做得好”时,应该说:

job! c. all right!


bye! morning

)5. 当你想知道有多少只钢笔时,你应该问:

a. how many friends do you h**e?

b. how many pens do you h**e?

h**e 45 pencils.

( )6.当你告诉妈妈你有一位新的朋友时,应该说:

a. mom, i h**e a new friend.

b. mom, i h**e an american.

c. mon, i h**e a chinese friend.

) jie :let me clean the board .

amyb. hello!

) where’s my seat ?


a. it’s near the door . b. it’s near the desk .

c. on the pencil-case.


( )1.语文书 a.chinese book b. schoolbag

( )2.房间 a.room

( )3.钢笔 a.

( )4.兔子 a.

( )5.强壮的 a.strong b.long

( )6.文静的 a.quiet b.thin

)7.三十 a.thirty b.window

)8.故事书 a.story-book b.notebook

) 9. 教室 a. classroom b. class

( )10. 电脑 a. window b. computer


)1. what’s __the classroom.

a. in c. on

)2is it ? it’s black.

a. what colour

)3. may i __a look?

a. h**e h**e

) this a __

a. teacher’s office b. teacher office c. teachers office

)5. let’s go __h**e a look.

)6. how many __do you h**e?

) h**e __english book.

c./ )8. my friend sports.

a. like

)9. he big eyes

)10. 7. my schoolbag he**y.


1. my friend likes music ( 写出中文)

2. at, look, the, picture ( 连词成句)

is, the, wall (.连词成句)

white . 划线提问)

___colour is it ?


)1. how many friends do you h**e? a. 2 pencils and 5 books.

)2. what’s in your schoolbagb. i h**e 4.

)3. what colour is your penc. sure, here you are.

)4. what’ s her named. her name is mike.

)5. may i h**e a looke good idea

)6. let’s clean the classroomf. it’s black.


一 基础知识。一 把下列词语补充完整。动听而止身境。颜 色不 思因教。二 圈出正确的读音。有教 jiao jiao 无类嘈 cao cao 杂处 chu chu 事。三 选出下列句子中破折号的正确作用,选序号填入相应的括号中。破折号作用 解释说明 声音延长 表示转折或递进。1.亚洲大陆有世界上最高的...


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