
发布 2020-09-21 00:56:28 阅读 4513




)1. (2. b. june cjuly

)3. a. cat ( 4.

)5. (6. c. play

) 8. a .day

)9. a .new ( read b. wash c. hat


)1. let’s goa. shop b. shoping c shopping

) you __a book? a. has b. h**ingc. h**e

) can __you. a. slowing

) office ? isc. are

) you myc. me

) isb. is itc .it is

) the library farhere. in c. from

) want a doctor .a. to see b. seec. to watch

) is __red is __

a. wait,stop b. go,wait c .go,stop

) right __the traffic lights. a .at b. on c. in


a.i’m lost. where’s the me. can you help me?

c. in the evening, i do my homework. d.iplay on the computer

e. i clean my bedroomf. these are new trousers.

go to the park to fly kitesh. go straight and turn left.

i. i play catch with a do you do on sunday?

)1.直走然后向左转2. 我迷路了,动物园在**?




)9.你星期天在做什么10. 我玩接球游戏。


) 1.当你要打扰别人时,你应说:

a. thank you. b. excuse me. c. sorry.

) 2.当某人向你问路,你想指给他时,你应该说

a、i can show you. b. excuse mec. thank you!

) 3.爸爸问你今天星期几时,应说:

a. where’s it? b. what day is it? c. what’s this?

) 4当你想知道去图书馆怎么走时,你应该询问别人

a. how are you? b. where’s the library? c. how old are you?

( )5当你建议大家一起去购物时,你应说:__

want to go shopping. b. i like tomato. c. let’s go shopping.


a、red is stop. b、yellow is wait. c、yellow is go。

)7.我给朋友打**是下列那句的汉语意思 watch tv after dinner.

b. i talk on the phone with my friends. c. i listen to music.


a.what do you want to buy ? b. let’s go to the book shop.

c. don’t use that bag.


a.i read a book . b. i write a story. c.idraw a picture for my story.

( )10.let’s go to the library to___

a .watch a movie. kitesc. read a book


) youa. he is wearing a green sweater.

) 2. what is he wearingb. no, it’s kim’s cap.

) 3. is this your capc. no, it’s near.

) 4. what do you do in the morning? d. yes, please.

) 5. is it far from heree. i want to buy a new dress.

) 6. may i help youf. you’re welcome.

( )colour is itg. thanks.

) do you want to

) 9. where’s the zooi. a dress.

) 10. i like your skirtj. i brush my teeth.

六。连词成句,help, may, you,the

3. down、street、go、this

4. t-shirt, like i



i love animals very much. but i like my little cat best. my little cat’s name is mimi.

when i get home , she walks to me .when she feels hungry, she meows ( 猫叫声)loudly. now she’s very fat(肥).

mimi is very lovely .she has a small black nose and a short tail. when the cat runs, she always shakes(摇,摆) her short tail.

i like my little cat --mimi.


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