
发布 2024-02-18 09:05:10 阅读 2164






)1. a. on footb.

by bikec. by traind. by a car()2.

a. stopb. waitc.

busd. go

)3. a. canadab.

englandc. the usad. chinese()4.

a. libraryb. schoolc.

bookstored. subway三单选(20分)

)1. a: how do you go to the usa?

b:i go __a. on footb.

by bikec. by busd. by plane()2.

remember the traffic rules. _at a yellow stopb. waitc.

god. go straight

)3. a: excuse me, is there a cinema near here?

b: yes,__a. it isb.

they arec. there isd. there are()4.

how can i get to __park?

a. zhongshanb. thezhongshanc. a zhongshan

)5. is it far __here? from

)6. it’sthe in toc. next to()7.

——mr. black: happy women’s day!

——miss whitea. thank youb. happy women’s dayc.


)9. you can go by __the no.10b.

no. 10c. no.

the 10()10. you see a red light, you must __a.


mike: hi, amy. is it friday today?

amy:. it’s saturday let’s go to the park this afternoon.

amy: great!?

amy: it’s to my home first. then we can go to the park by

amy: my home is near the not the no. 26 bus.

is your home?e. see you then.

floor?f. what day is it today?

c. how can we get to the park?g.

no, it isn’ which bus can we take?

mike:ok! see you at one o’clock this


) can i go to the zhongshan park? not far.()i go on foot? can go by bus

) is the library?c. it’s near the post office.

()it far from here?d. you are welcome.

()no, it isn’t.六、根据答句写出问句。(10分)

1、a:?b: i usualy go to the zoo by bike .

2、a:?b: the weather is sunny and hot.

3、a:?b: you can go to dongfang park by subway.

4、a:?b: sure, if you like.

it’s not far.

5、a:?b: they are traffic lights.

六、请将打乱顺序的对话排列正确。(12分)()is it far from here?

)excuse me, where is the cinema?()no it isn’t. you can go there on foot.()thank you.

)it’s next to the hospital.()you’re welcome.

七、看图,用英语写一篇小短文。说说图中的女孩是谁,她通常在周末去**,怎样去,和谁一起去,心情怎样。(不少于5句,10分) chen jie


in china, drivers

if you go


一 语文知识积累与运用。32分 1 看拼音写汉字。3分 xi zh ng z ng q n f n ni ng无 屏合银烧 酒。2 选择。14分 下列多音字读音完全相同的一组是 a 奔跑直奔飞奔奔驰 b 参加参与参差人参。c 兴旺兴盛兴奋时兴 d 蒙蔽蒙面蒙骗迷蒙。下列句子不是比喻句的是 a 在漓江...


第一单元达标试题。一 读拼音,写汉字。j ng m q ng shu ng y n h n q n mi n xifzh ng z ng 无 竹 屏合。二 比一比,组词。俏峡巷俯。峭侠港附。三 左右两边的词怎样搭配才合适,用线连起来。增长光彩晴朗的声音。增进生活晶莹的阳光。增添友谊柔和的天空。改善方...


人教版六年级上册第一单元 说课标 说教材 平安学区中心校贾云秀。各位老师,大家好 今天我与大家交流的是人教版小学六年级上册语文第一单元,我将从以下三个方面交流 一 说课标 本册目标 本单元目标。二 说教材 体例安排 编写特点。三 说建议 教学建议 评价建议 课程资源的开发和利用。一 说课标 一 本册...