
发布 2024-02-15 16:45:07 阅读 3206

pep小学六年级英语下册unit 2测试卷。




1. 卷面整洁,书写认真。(5分)

2. 字母占位正确,用规范手写体书写。(5分)

二、判断下列单词画划部分读音是否相同,用“ √或“ ⅹ表示。(10分)

1. rainplay ()2. knownow ( 3. soupsoap ()

4. whenwho ( 5. southcount (


1. she eats too much hot food, so she has a s___tnow.

2. my nose hi feel sick now.

3. liu xiang wins in the olympic game. the chinese people are all e___

4. w___the matter with you ? nothing much. don’t worry .

5. how d___mike feel ?he is happy, because he is going on a trip.


) he has a fever. b. he has a toothache.

)2.. a. i’m happy. b. i’m tried3. a. i h**e a stomachache. h**e a headache.

)4. a. my finger hurts. b. my leg hurts.

)5. a. she ’s sadb. she’s happy.


1. people , in , some, sick , the , feel , winter (.

2. drinks, take, medicine, hot, and, drink, some (.

3. so, look , happy , today , you (

4. amy , how , feel , does (

5. matter, is , with , what,the,john (


)1. amyvery sad. what’s the matter __her ?

a. looks, withb. look, withc. looks , to

)2does john feel ?—he’s bored.

a. whatb. how c. where

)3. please stay in __bed and drink __water.

a. /manyb. /more c. the , much

)4some medicine and you’ll besoon.

a. h**e, fineb. take, wellc. take , better

)5. please give __some bananas.

a. hers b. his c. us


a:__1___young man.

b: good morning, doctor

a: how do you feel?

b 2 .a: what’s the matter?

b: 3 .

a: oh. you might h**e a cold. please4 .

b: thank you doctor. bye.

a: 5八、阅读,选择正确的答案,并把字母编号写在括号里(15分)

in winter, the weather is very cold. some people feel sick in the cold weather. if you don’t wear enough clothes, you will h**e a cold.

how do you feel if you h**e a cold? you will be very tired. your head may hurt badly.

your temperature(体温) will be higher than 37℃,then the cold may turn into a fever. but don’t worry if you are sick, go to see a doctor. take some medicine and stay in bed for a few days.

and drink more hot water. then you will get well soon.

) 1. people feel sick in winter because it’s___

a. warm b. cold

) 2. if you h**e a cold you will be

a. tired. b. happy.

) 3. if your temperature is higher than 37℃ you will

a. h**e a coldb. h**e a fever.

) 4. if you are sick, you must

a. see a doctor. b. go to school.

) 5is good for you when you’re sick.

a. drinking hot waterb. drinking cold water




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