
发布 2024-02-15 12:15:02 阅读 2452



) 1、a. hear b. wear c. dear

) 2、a. they b. month c. thin

) 3、a. climb b. swing c. swim

) 4、a. tired b. bored c. excited

) 5、a. angry b. fly c. worry


) 1、a. fifth b. nine c. eighth d. third

) 2、a. singer b. thinner c. stronger d. longer

) 3、a. snowy b. sunny c. funny d. rainy

) 4、a. bought b. went c. read d. wash

) 5、a. swing b. sleeping c. fighting d. cooking


) 1、--what did lisa do yesterday?

she __to music.

a. listens b. listened c. listening

) 2、--who __a birthday in november?

me.a. has b. h**e c. is

) 3、i’m 164___tall.

a. meter b. cm c. km

) 4took you there?

my parents.

a. how b. who c. what

) 5、who is __john or mike ?

a. old b. older c. oldest

) 6、did you __the room?

a. clean b. cleaning c. cleaned

) 7、there will be a basketball match __china___america.

a. both, and b. in , and c. between, and

) 8、this is __apple. _apple is big.

a. a , the b. an , the c. an , an

) 9、we played football __saturday.

a. at b. in c. on

) 10、--thank you for your help.

a. you’re welcome. b. no thanks. c. right


1、he likes___read) story books.

2、my mother __be) a teacher. she __work) in a school.

3、--what did you __do) last weekend?

---i __go) ice-skating.

4、she __h**e) two big __eye) and a small mouth.

5、you look __anger) today.

6、itbe) hot tomorrow.


)1、what is your joba. i’m 48 kg.

)2、when do you get up? b. i went to hainan

)3、 how he**y are you? c. this is tom.

)4、 where did you go d. i am a driver.

on your holiday?.

)5、who is that speaking? e. at 6:30.


1、school、goes、alice、to、by 、 bike (.连词成句)

2、than、4cm、i 、you、 am、taller (.连词成句)

3、it was tree -planting day. (改为否定句)

ittree -planting day.

4、i washed clothes yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)

___you __clothes yesterday?

5、i’m going to swim next weekend. (对划线部分提问)

are you going to __next weekend?


the cat’s family

my family is not very big. there are only three cats. i’m a white cat.

people call me snow- white. my husband is a black cat. people call him captain black cat(黑猫警长).

we h**e a beautiful daughter. her name is lily. she is black and white.

she’s only two years old. we live a happy life.

from now on, we work harder to catch the mice. we must let people live in a happy life in his house.

) 1、there are __people in the cat’s family.

a. two b. three c. four

) 2、 mother cat is __

a. white b. black c. black and white

) 3、mother cat and father cat h**e a __

a. son b. sister c. daughter

) 4、all the cats will work hard to___

a. catch the mice b. catch people c. eat good food

) 5、the black cat is lily’s __

a. mother b. father c. uncle





分值 100分时间 60分钟。题号分数。一。二。三。四。五。六。总分。一 汉译英。10分 1 邮票2 安静的 3 那么4 地图 5 商店6 坚固的 7 糖果8 困难的 9 变成10 打扫 二 选出与其它项不同的单词。共10分 三 单项选择。40分 1.he often plays his dog.b...


六年级语文模拟检测。学校姓名班级。一 积累 运用 48分 1 根据拼音写汉字。4分 sh j bi n p o f i cu y u y 2 用 圈出下列中的错别字,把正确地写在 里。6分 投投是到 惊涛害浪 崇山竣岭 阴谋鬼计 谈笑风声 神彩奕奕 3 查字典 2分 异 字用部首查字法,先查 部,再...


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