
发布 2024-02-15 06:35:10 阅读 7633



)1. a. peach b. seat c. bread

( )2. a. jump b. cute c. but

( )3. a. wind b. like c. bike

)4. a. grape b. lamp c. apple

( )5. a. this




christmas day

a care of


复数宾格) 复数。

过去式基数词) 反义词。

过去式中文) 复数。



canmake)snowmen in winter.

mingread)news*****s yesterday morning

likes (draw)pictures.

4 .kate speakschina).

5 .the childrenplay)basketball at 4:30 this afternoon.

6 .he likeslisten) to music .me ,too.

7 .my english teacher oftengojog) after school .

8 .your classroom is on thefour) floor (层) .

9 .my mother canmake) delicious food .she (make) some for us now .

my mumcome) to our school .


)1. —is this his book? —no,it’sa. my

)2. these

)3.—what’s 3 and 3? —it’s

)4. i my homework last night.

)5. here a bus. a. comes

)6. i wanta pair of shoes. buy

)7. what are you goingthis weekend?

a to do b going c do

)8. i often play violin,but i don’t like play basketball.

a 不填;不填 b the; the c the 不填。

)9. when someone helps you, don’t forget say

a i’m sorry. b that’s all right. c thank you.

) writes than the other students in her class.

a more careful b carefully c more carefully.


1 .did he watch tv are

2 .how many stops are two

3 .what time is it you soon.

4 .shall we meet at three quarter to one.

5 .are the apples as big as the yellow did.


1. 他们正在讨论他们的周末计划。

they are talking aboutthe weekends.

2. 你和你姐姐个子一样高吗?

___you as __as your sister?

3. 我将要去超市为我父母买礼物。

i’ll go to theto buy somefor my

4. 我父亲正在他的书房里写信。

my fatherin his study .

5.— 我的书包比你的重。

my schoolbag is __than __


1. would you please tell me your telephone n

2. women’s day is on the eighth of m

3. mr smith comes from fso you can learn french from him.

4. liu tao will fprimary school soon and go to middle school.

5. it’s the 20th of december. cis coming.

6. their chairs are in the classroom. where are我们的)?

7. i often go to school by bus. there are four停车站)from my home to the school.

8. i参观)shanghai yesterday.

9. which school bag is重一些), the green one or the yellow one?

10. my father usually读)news*****s in the morning.


1.i was at home just now.(改为一般疑问句)

at home just now?

2. is tom watching tv now? (作肯定回答)

3. we collected some eggs on the farm. (改为一般疑问句)

youeggs on the farm?

4. lucy often does her homework on sundays. (对划线部分提问)

whatlucy oftenon sundays?

5. it is helen’s dress.(对划线部分提问)


数学信心版。贵州省遵义县第三小学沈秀操。学校班级姓名学号。一 填空题。23分 1 的分数单位是 再添上 个这样的分数单位就是最小的质数。2 七亿六千零三十万零二十八写作四舍五入到 亿 位约为 亿。时15分 时0.75立方米 升。4 24填小数 5 如果 4,那么a与b的最大公因数是 最小公倍数是 6...


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