小学英语六年级模拟考试卷 二 2

发布 2024-02-15 12:05:02 阅读 6088


一、听音选单词,将听到的单词序号填在()里。(10分)()1. a.

kitchenb. kitec. kitty()2.

a. anotherb. otherc.


)3. a. pineappleb. peachc. pepper

)4. a. tuesdayb.

)7. a. money()8. festivalcfridge()9. a. drink

二、句子。(10分)一)听音选句子,将听到的句子序号填在()里。(5分)()can also listen to the radio.

b. they can watch the cloud in the sky.()something smells there isn’t anything smells strong.

( can hear them i can hear him singing.()in your bag? are in your bag?

()half past half past eleven.


三、听句子排序,按听到的顺序标上1.2.3……(10分)()likes collecting stamps very much.

()and kitty are twins, they are 12 years old.

) h**e many friends ,sometimes they play together, how happy they are!

) likes growing flowers, the flowers are very beautiful.()5. although, they h**e they h**e different hobbies.

四、听问句选答语,将正确答案的序号填在()里。(10分)( some a pencil.( 2.

there isn’ there aren’t.( 3. it a lemon.

)4. ai can hear can hear a woman.( 6. in in autumn.( 7. do.

)5. like listening to am listening to music.

)8. doesn’ don’t

)9. in give presents.

)10. like easter the easter.



1)从a、b中选出与给出中文意思一致的单词,将序号填在()里。( 1.美味的

)2.你自己 )3.骨头 )今晚b.明晚( )5uniform a.**b.外套。

2)选出正确的拼写,将序号填在()里。()6. b__rbe __kb. a, c

) _aliaa. u , t rb. a , t r() o() ub. u m

)10. s__y s __ca. o , a u , a u选出不同类的单词。()1. a. kitchen b. kite c. kitty

)2. a. another b. other c. onion

)3. a. pineapple b. peach c. pepper

)4. a. tuesday b.

六、选出最佳答案,将其序号填在()里。(10分)()can you see __the kitchen?a. are

)2. are there___drinks in the fridge?a.

is it a cat___my hat?a. with() some what is it?

a. _for me!

) is in the park___her grandmother.

a. ) you hear___banging?.

) you do___chinese new year? at

) am___a good time___earth.

h**ing, on( )11.__santa wearing a suit? b. does

) tr**al___car and c. by

) can __the runs to

)14.__christmas eve,we sing many onb.

) must __two years___one , to七、看图选句子。(10分)1. it smells strong, it’s a garlic.

2. i can hear a woman shouting.

3. tom doesn’t like these noon cakes.

4. i don’t drive a sleigh but i hop from leaf to log.5.

we call these long socks christmas stocking.


shopkeeper: hi , are beautiful!mrs lishopkeeper

mrs li : yes, i want to look at a nice watch.

shopkeeper: are many watches. what colour do you like?mrs li

blue one?mrs li: goodshopkeeper:yes,it is.

mrs li:_how much is it?shopkeepermrs li: ok!

a. can you give me a suggestion?

was fifty yuan. now it is forty yuan.

it a sale?

e. can i help you?


a man is going to see his friend. he takes some sandwiches with him because his friend’s home is very far. on his way,he says to himself, ”my friend is going to give me a very good lunch.

” then he throws them away.

he goes on and comes to a river. there’s no boat on the river. he can’t cross it.

he sarts to go back home. he ishungry now. and he tries to find his sandwiches on the way.

”oh, my god. a dog is eating them.” he quickly runs to, but

the dog carries the sandwiches to run away. he is still hungry and he goes back home.

1)判断正误,正确的写t,错误的写f.(10分)( man’s friend’s home needs walk a long time.( 2.

he takes a sandwich on his way.

) can cross the river by boat. but there isn’t a boat on the river.( 4.

a dog bites the man’s sandwiches to run away.( 5. the man meet his friend at last.

小学英语六年级模拟考试卷 二 2

班级姓名得分听力部分 40分 一 听音选单词,将听到的单词序号填在 里。10分 1.a.kitchenb.kitec.kitty 2.a.anotherb.otherc.onion 3.a.pineappleb.peachc.pepper 4.a.tuesdayb.7.a.money 8.festi...

小学英语六年级模拟考试卷 二

班级姓名得分听力部分 40分 一 听音选单词,将听到的单词序号填在 里。10分 1.a.kitchenb.kitec.kitty 2.a.anotherb.otherc.onion 3.a.pineappleb.peachc.pepper 4.a.tuesdayb.7.a.money 8.festi...


分值 100分时间 60分钟。题号分数。一。二。三。四。五。六。总分。一 汉译英。10分 1 邮票2 安静的 3 那么4 地图 5 商店6 坚固的 7 糖果8 困难的 9 变成10 打扫 二 选出与其它项不同的单词。共10分 三 单项选择。40分 1.he often plays his dog.b...