
发布 2024-02-15 12:05:02 阅读 5669


1. a. yes, i can't. b. yes, i can. c. no, i can.

2. a. they're yellow. b. it's green. c. it's 50 yuan.

3. a. she goes to school on foot.

b. she goes to the cinema on bus.

c. she goes to the hospital by bike.

4. a. it's summer. b. it's monday. c. it's sunny.

5. a. i'm fine, thank you. b. how are you?c. i'm five, thanks.

6. a. collecting stamps. b. playing football. c. watching tv.

7. a. she's 145cm. b. he's 156cm. c. she's 45kg.

8. a. she did my homework yesterday.

b. mike cleaned the table.

c. she had a fever.

9. a. we're going to take a trip.

b. we read books.

c. they rowed boats.

10. a. yes, he did. b. no, he doesn't. c. no, he isn't.


1. wemanyon our holiday.

2. i wasyesterday. i had a

3. jimpresents for his

4. did you golast weekend? no, ihiking.

5. i can speakandwell.



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p___trees __ab___en___



1. he cleanedbedroom last sunday.

a. he's b. his c. he

2. howis your sister?

a. taller b. tallest c. tall

3. does your brotherfootball?

a. like b. likes c. liked

4. the drivers must stop at thelight.

a. yellow b. red c. green

5. weh**e a farewell party tomorrow.

a. are b. were c. are going to

6. -what would you like?

a. i don't like beef. b. i'd like some chicken. c. i like beef.

7. -i h**e a sore throat.

a. excuse me. b. you are sad. c. i am sorry to hear that.

8. amy likes painting. i'll give her someas my presents.

a. coloured pencils c. chairs

9. my backpack isandthan yours.

a. bigger; he**y b. small; lighter c. bigger; he**ier

10. sarahsad. what's the matterher?

a. look; and b. looks; and c. looks; with


---my father is a cleaner.

2. -how he**y is sarah?

3. -did lisa listen to music last night?

4. -what is your brother doing now?

---no, i'm shorter than tim.



1. tom起床) at six thirty every day.

2. ten years later, i amto想做) a doctor.

3. howmike感觉) today?

4. iand唱歌跳舞) with my mother yesterday morning.

5. ben is very伤心的). because he failed his数学) test.


amy: hi, tom

tom: i picked apples on my uncle's farm.__

amyhow did you go to the farm?

tomamy: did you h**e a good time?

tomamy: same with me.



one day ted left his house with six donkeys to go to the market (集市). after some time, he felt tired and rode one of them. he counted the donkeys, and there were only five, so he got off and went to look for the sixth.

he looked and looked but couldn't find it. so he went back to the donkeys and counted then a second time. this time there were six, so he rode one of them again and they started.

after a few minutes he counted the donkeys a third time, and there were five! one of his friends passed when he was counting, and ted said, "i left home with six donkeys. then i had five.

then i had six again. and now i had only five. look!

one, two, three, four, five." but, ted said the friends, "you're sitting on a donkey, too. that is the sixth!

and you are the seventh."


二 判断。对的打 错的打 共6分 1 圆柱和圆锥,圆柱的体积是圆锥体积的4倍。2 今年有的二月有29天。3 盒子里有红。黄。兰三种乒乓球各,至少要摸4次,就能摸到两种颜色的乒乓球。4 等底等高的长方体和正方体,它们的体积和表面积相等。5 xy 20,那么x和y成正比例。6 一条射线长20米。三 选择...

六年级毕业模拟考试题 三

a.条形 b.折线 c.扇形。3.下面 图绕轴旋转一周后,得到圆柱体 a b c4.把一张长方形的纸连续对折三次,其中一份是这张纸的 a.b c.本六年级下册数学课本的厚度最接近 毫米 厘米 米 d.7分米。四 动手操作,大显身手。6分 1 在下图中用阴影部分表示公顷。2分 2 根据下图中提供的信息...


pep小学英语毕业模拟试题。考试时间 40分钟满分 100分 班级姓名评分 一 词汇。a.按照字母表的顺序,写出所给字母前后相邻字母的大小写 5分 bbffjj qquub 翻译下列词组或短语 10分 1.去游泳2.感冒。3.踢足球 fishing afternoon c.按要求写出下列单词的不同形...