
发布 2024-02-14 17:45:06 阅读 8394




computer yellow jeans

what colour is it ?



comuter roomgarden

english classdress



) four b. eight c. too

) gym b. many c. library

) breakfast b. canteen c. lunch

) shirt b. skirt c. short

)5. a. music c. classroom


)1. —is my skirt?

it’s on the bed.

a. whereb. whatc. how

) is __school.

a. web. usc. our

)3.__quiet in the libray.

a. beb. doc. h**e

)4. —is this your aweater?

a. yes, it isn’tb. yes, it is. c. no, it is.

) pass me___t-shirt.

a. ib. youc. my

)6. what time __

a. is itb. isn’t itc. it is


pantssownyart roomplay football( )

put on your t-shirt. go homeit’s five o’clock. get up


)1. 引导客人往这边走,应该怎么说:__

a. this way, please! b. come in, please! c. let’s go.

)2. 你可以向别人打听卫生间在**,你应该问。

a. where is the washroom?

b. where is the tv room?

c. where is the gym?


a. breakfast is ready. b. lunch is ready. c. dinner is ready.


a. put on your sweater. b. take off yoursweater. c. put on you socks.


a. it’s sunny in beijing.

b. it’s snowy in beijing.

c. it’s rainy in beijing.


a. it’s time for english class.

b. it’s time for chinese class

c. it’s time for


( )1. is this the librarya. yes,you can.

2. where is the art roomb. yes, it is.

)3. can i wear my new shirt today? c. it’s on the second floor.

( )4. what ‘s the weather like today? d. it’s nine o’clock.

( )5. what time is ite. it’s sunny.


white3. teacher’s office

time for math class


amy: look, this is my school.

visitor: wow! it’s big and nice. is that the music room?

amy: yes! we h**e two music rooms. they are in the second floor.

visitor: do you h**e lunch at school?

amy:yes! the canteen is on the first floor.

visitor: great! let’s go and h**e a look.

amy: ok!

) school is big and nice.

)2. they h**e a music room.

)3. the music room are in the first floor.

)4. they h**e lunch at school.

)5. the canteen is on the second floor.


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