
发布 2024-02-14 17:40:06 阅读 3638

得分 一、根据要求写单词。(6分)





1、what day is it todaya、yes, she does.

2、when is your father’s birthday? b、i’d like a puppet.

)3、what would you likec、sure.

4、where were you just nowd、it’s the 4th of june.

5、would you like to come to my home? e、it is sunday.

6、do they like pandasf、yes, i’d like to.

7、does your sister like reading books? g、it is on the 1st of april.

8、wes he at home just nowh、we were in the playground.

)9、what date is it todayi、yes, they do.

)10、can you help me with my chinese? j、yes, he was.


1、it means we shouldn’t here now.

a、smoke b、smoking c、smokes

2、what would you like your birthday present?

a、for b、asc、as a

3、—what are thosesome peaches.

a、it’s b、those are c、they’re

4、this is race. all the students are very .

a、a exciting, excited b、an exciting, excited c、an excited, exciting

5、what these signs ?

a、does, means b、do, mean c、does, mean

6、my pen there just now. but it not there now.

a、is, is b、was, was c、was, is

7、my sister’s birthday is may.


8、can you pick for me?

a、they up b、up them c、them up

9、children’s day is .

a、in the 1st of june. b、on the 1st of june c、on june

)10、would you like to my birthday party?

a、to come b、coming c、come

11、look at my birthday presents. this wallet is my father.

a、forb、from c、of

12、he wants to a teacher.


13、my father dinner for us now.

a、cooking b、is cooking c、cooked

14、he likes very much.

a、collecting stamp b、collect stamps c、collecting stamps

15、 father is talking to about english.

a、she’s she, her b、her, she, hers c、her, her, her


1、make noise6、散步。

2、stay away from7、生日礼物。

3、look around8、刚才。

4、blow out the candles9、在四月三日。

5、keep off10、问问题。


1、put your coat on the bed. (改为否定句)

your coat one the bed.

2、my brother often goes swimming on sundays.(改为否定句)

my brotheroftenon sundays.

3、the books were on the desk just now.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)

the books on the desk just now. yes

4、my birthday is on the 1st of july .(对画线部分提问)


5、the, do, what, signs, mean(连词成句)


1、there’s sign on the grass. what is it mean

a bc2、jim is a new student in nancy class

ab c )3、please say about the signs with your friends

ab c )4、i can see some apples in the tree

a b c七、根据汉语意思完成句子。(25分)

1、—那个标志是什么意思? —它的意思是不要草地上走。

that— itwe shouldn’tthe grass.

2、—你的生日在什么时候? —在六月二十日。

is your

theof3、—你想要什么作为生日礼物? —我想要一些花。

youa birthday present?



pep小学六年级上册英语期中调研试题。时间 40分钟。洗耳恭听。一 listen and choose选出录音中所读的单词。1 a trafficb giraffec tree 2 a bookstoreb shoe storec bus stop 3 a sisterb cinemac six 4...


得分 一 看拼音,写词语。10分 k i tu ji o sh zh x qu n sh li n ji c n zhu di o n n zhu n xi zh n h n k ng k i 二 用 给下列带点字选择正确的读音。4分 侮辱 w w 抽屉 t d 瞭望 li o li o 刁难 n ...


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