
发布 2020-07-22 05:47:28 阅读 8375



洗耳恭听。一、listen and choose选出录音中所读的单词。

)1、a :trafficb: giraffec: tree

)2、a: bookstoreb: shoe storec: bus stop

)3、a :sisterb: cinemac: six

)4、a :southb: northc: mouth

)5、a :tomorrowb: tomatoc: twelve

)6、a: trainb:rainc: traffic

)7、a: subwayb: sharpenerc: shop

)8、a: rightb: ridec: rice

)9、a: alwaysb: subwayc: sunday

)10、a :libraryb: hospitalc: street

二、listen and choose根据录音,选出听到的句子。

)1、a: i go to school on footb: i go to the zoo on foot.

)2、a: what about youb: who are you?

)3、a: look at the lights. b: go at a green light.

)4、a:drivers in australia drive on the right side.

b: drivers in england drive on the right side.

)5、a:where is the science museum?

b: how can i go to the science museum?

)6、a:how can i go to the bookstore? b: how can you go to the bookstore?

)7、a: how do you go to the zoo? b: how do you go to the park?

)8、a: where are you goingb: what are you going to do?

)9、a: where are your friendsb: what are you doing?

)10、a:is it near the bookstoreb: are you going to the bookstore?

三.listen and number 听录音,把句子12345排序。

)is it far?

)so i’m going by train.

)hello! mike ,what are you going to do on the weekend?

)yes, it is.

)i’m going to visit my grandparents.

)how do you go there ?

四、listen and finish the sentences. 听录音,完成句子。

aare you going to do after school?

b: i want to __a bookis the bookstore?

a: it’sthe shoe store.

b: how can i __to the shoe store?

a: you can go by the no. _bus.

get off at the cinema. then walk __for __minutes. the shoe store is on the __

妙笔生花。五.look and tick or cross 读一读,画线字母的发音一致的打对号,不一致的打错号。

)1. meat bread2. but bus

)3. idea peach4. rice right

)5. post nose6. always face

)7. elephant set8. seven strong

) bike10. south the

六.look and match 把问题和相应的答案连线。

)1. how do you go to beijinga. yes, i’m going to qing dao .

)2. what are you going to do this afternoon? b. tomorrow.

)3. where is the cinemac. by plane.

)4. when are you goingd. it’s next to the hospital.

)5. are you going to take a tripe. i’m going to play football.

七.look and choose看一看,选择与画线单词不同类别的单词,把序号填在前面的括号内。

) 1. i go to beijing by plane.

a. bus b. ship c. car d. orange

) 2. where is the hospital?

a. cinema b. monday c. bookstore d. post office

) 3. what are you going to do this afternoon?

a. take a trip b. this evening c. tomorrow d. tonight

) 4. i’ m going to buy a comic book.

a. magazine b. subway c. news***** d. dictionary

)5. i’d like some beef for lunch.

a. zoo b. breakfast c. supper d. dinner

八。look and write根据提示写单词。

1. i’m going to shanghai by飞机).

2如何) do you go to the park?

3. i’m going to buy a comic book this早上).

4. go straight, then turn左边).

5. what are you going to do下周).

暑假防溺水安全教育教案九.look and choose读短文,根据短文意思选择正确答案,把序号填在前面的括号内。

a. how b. where c. this afternoon d. usually e. bus

方城县育才学校** mike: hi, lisa, what are you going to do

lisa: i’m going to a park.

教师教育理念一句话 mikeis the park?

lisa: it’s next to the hospital.

时间像小马车教学反思 mikedo you go to the park?

数学与应用数学***码 lisai go there by

教学质量综合测评 mike: i want to go with you.

lisa: ok!


zhang peng is asking to a policeman.

z: excuse me, sir. is there a bookstore near here?

p: no, there isn’t. but there is one next to the hospital.

z: where is the post office, please?

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义务教育课程标准实验教科书数学六年级 上册 期末调查卷 a 2010年1月。班级姓名成绩。一 直接写出得数。二 怎样算简便就怎样算。三 解方程。0.9 x 5 1.8x7.8 x 3.2 x 12.1 四 填空。1.一张正方形纸边长a厘米,把它折成两个相同的长方形。每个长方形的周长是厘米,面积是平方...

2024年苏教版小学数学六年级 上册 期末调查A卷

义务教育课程标准实验教科书数学六年级 上册 期末调查卷 a 2010年1月。班级姓名成绩。一 直接写出得数。二 怎样算简便就怎样算。三 解方程。0.9 x 5 1.8x7.8 x 3.2 x 12.1 四 填空。1.一张正方形纸边长a厘米,把它折成两个相同的长方形。每个长方形的周长是厘米,面积是平方...


2011秋半期检测卷 六年级英语。考试时间 60分钟,满分50分 i 部分听力 15分 一 听音选图画。5分 根据你听到的内容选出一副相应的图画,把编号填入题前的括号里,每题连读两遍。1.ab 二 听音填序号 5分 根据你听到的内容,把顺序号写在 下的括号内,每小题连读三遍。二 听音选句子。5分 根...