
发布 2024-02-14 17:35:06 阅读 5373

一、 选择正确的选项,补全单词,并写出汉语意思。(10分)

( )1. sk t a er b ir c ar

)2. gr a or b ow c ou

)3. yest ay a ur b er c ar

)4. hims f a ul b al c el

)5. fa ew b uw c au


1. fat (最高级2. say (过去式3. three (序数词。

4. swim (现在分词) 5. he**y (比较级) 6. rain (形容词形式。

7. cool (反义词) 8. fly (过去式9. wash (单三。


1. some time2. 下来 for

4. 长大5. bring about6. 结束。

7. not … at all8. 每四年9. get ready for

10. h**e a good time


)1. did you a good time yesterday ?

a h**eb had c has

)2do you go to schoolby bike .

a whereb how c what

)3. -when you born ?

i born in july. 1986 .

a are , amb were, were c were was

)4. he is of the three .

a tallerb tallc the tallest

)5. what you do tomorrow ?

a do b can c will


1. jill is arun ) in our school.

2. it will bewind ) tomorrow.

3. june 1st ischildren ) day.

4. tom alwaysnot ) do homework after school .

5. whatbe ) the date yesterday ?

6do ) you ( h**e) a good time on your birthday ?

---yes , i ( do )

7. my mother ( get ) up early and ( cook ) for us every day .

六、 根据中文提示,把句子补充完整 。 15分)

1. theytrees . 他们在植树。

2. his friend at him . 他的朋友嘲笑他。

3. a little cat ishis mother.一只小猫正在和他的妈妈说话。

4. it be tomorrow . 明天会是晴天 。

5. what’s the matter you ? 你怎么了?

6. what do you oftensunday afternoon?你周日下午经常做什么?

7. it june 1st昨天是六月一日。

8. we will plant treeshills our school .


七、按要求完成下列句子 。(10分)

1. jack is the tallest boy in our class . 对划线部分提问)

2. i played football last sunday . 改为一般疑问句)

3. i know the little boy . 改为否定句)

4. today is sunday . 对划线部分进行提问)

5. i usually do my homework at seven . 把i 改为he )


a.boughtb.三 连词成句,标点已给出,首字母已大写。20分 1.like i fan the 2.photos li ming found this 3.sun sit i like in the to 4.about what caps these 5.always i walk scho...


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