
发布 2020-08-15 07:06:28 阅读 7548

a. boughtb.


1. like i fan the

2. photos li ming found this

3. sun sit i like in the to

4. about what caps these

5. always i walk school to


) 1. how many gifts do you need?

) 2. what will you do this summer holiday?

) 3. what time does the party begin?

) 4. how often did you h**e breakfast last week?

) 5. what do you like to do ?

a. i like to look at the clouds.

b. i need eleven gifts.

c. i will help my parents.

d. at about 4:00 in the afternoon.

e. i had breakfast six times last week.

五、阅读短文,判断正误,正确(t),错误 (f)。(20分)

hi, my name is mary. i’m thirteen years old. my family likes to go on trips in summer.

we will go to hainan in this summer holiday. we will go there by plane. it is very hot in hainan.

but it is very fun. there are many beautiful flowers and trees. my mother likes the flowers.

she will lie on the beach and look at the birds in the sky. my father will swim in the sea. i will play on the beach.

we will feel happy.

)1. mary’s family will go to shijiazhuang in this summer holiday.

)2. they go there by train.

)3. mary’s mother likes the flowers.

)4. mary is 12 years old.

)5. mary’s father will swim in the sea.



要求:书写规范、表达准确,5句话左右,不要用真实姓名。 提示:

句型i/we should play sports every day.

词汇always, breakfast, exercise, vegetables, fruit, strong, walk, run,teeth, hands, brush …

healthy body



1. visit 2. basketball 3. cake 4. easy 5. party



c b e d a


1. i like the fan.

2. li ming found this photo.

3. i like to sit in the sun.

about these caps?

always walk to school.



第一档:语言表述准确,内容充实,无明显语法错误, 5分。

第二档:语言表述基本准确,内容较充实,有少量语法错误, 3-4分。

第三档:语言表述不够准确,内容不充实,有明显语法错误, 2-3分。

第四档:语言表述很不准确,内容空洞,有大量语法、单词错误, 0-1分。

范文: healthy body

everyone wants to be healthy and strong. we always h**e breakfast. we brush our teeth and wash our hands before breakfast.

we should eat vegetables and fruit. we do exercise everyday.


一 词汇 每题1分,共10分 第三人称单数复数 同音词 复数。单词 同音词缩略形式 复数名词性物主代词 反义词。二 英汉互译 每题1分,共10分 1.儿童节2.look the same3.张鹏的父母亲4.h e a chat5.比她小两岁6.a map of the china7.玩得开心8.pl...

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