
发布 2024-02-14 13:55:04 阅读 2051





一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组。(10分)

二、 根据你所听到的问句,选出正确答句,听两遍。(5分)



1. the boy inis my brother. he’s asas me.

2. excuse me, can youme the way to thestation?

3. su yanghigher than su hai, but he runsthan su hai.

4. yesterday heto the concerthis mother.

5. who would like tothe new words for


( )1. what subject does he study at school?

a. piano. b. art. c. pe.

)2. when will he stop his study?

a. april. b. june. c. july.

)3. what is he going to do in the evening?

a. to h**e dinner. b. to play the piano. c. to study art.

)4. how many hours will he sleep?

a. four hours. b. eight hours. c. nine hours.

( )5. he will go home by __

a. busb. bikec. tax


一、单项选择 (15分)

)1. are there __beautiful postcards on the desk?

a. someb. anyc. muchd. a lot

)2. would you please show __stamps to

a. you; me b. your; me c. your; i d. you; i

)3 kate wants __ann’s penfriend.

a. to beb. toc. h**ed. be

)4do you want to write to? —my mother.

a. whob. whatc. whyd. where

)5. —hello. is that mike? —yes

a. speakb. speaking c. speaks d. to speak

)6. jenny comes __england.

a. forb. inc. fromd. of

)7sunday morning, i met a friend in the street.

a. nextb. lastc. ind. of

) 8. my pen is as __as this one.

a. tallb. highc. long

) 9、do you h**e __brothers __sisters?

a some orb any andc any or

) 10、a: _younger, you or tom ? b: tom is

a whoseb who’sc who

) 11、a: can i h**e __gule, mr lib: of course.

a. someb.

) 12、liu tao __well in pe.

a. don’t dob. doesn’t doc. isn’t do

) 13、a: what are the boys doing? b: they

a. play basketballb. playing basketball

c. are playing basketball

)14、__can i get to the shopping center ?

a. whereb. howc. when

) 15、a: _it often rain in the spring? b: yes, it __

a. does doesb. did didc. does do.


1. by the way2. finish primary school

3. with best wishes4. of course

5. 去散步6. 参加。

7. 在春季8. 上课;有课。

9. 写一封信10. 下个星期。


1. children’s day is on theone) of june.

2. tom’s schoolbag ishe**y) than jim’s.

3. look, the studentsrun) in the playground.

4. he __read) a book last night. it’s very interesting.

5. would you likejoin) us?


1. i finished school two years ago. (改为一般疑问句)

youschool two years ago?

2. the red box is big. the green box is bigger. (用than 并成一句话)

the red box isthe green box.

3. she wants to buy a beautiful dress.(改为同义句)

she wouldtoa beautiful dress.

4. nacny is going to play the piano at the concert.

what is nancy __to __at the concert?

5.do, the, school, children, not, today, h**e



新堡镇2010学年度六年级英语月考试卷。一 write letters.写出下列字母的大写或小写形式 10分 f 二 read and write.读一读,写一写 12分 dollar balloon laugh festival study what do you want?三 complete ...


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2.could i mike please?3.don t readit s bad for your eyes.4.it is a pencil.5.i will with mike this week 八。根据情景选择句子,将答案的标号填入括号内。1.当你想知道橡皮放在哪儿时,问 a.where...