
发布 2024-02-12 05:20:11 阅读 5828



1. where is the医院)

2. i am going to the cinema明天)3. where does the雨)come from?

4. my father is an工程师)5. there is a图书馆)in our school.


1. the elephant ishe**y) than the dog.2.

itake) a picture last sunday.3. tom likesride) a bike.

4. my aunt is asing)5. tom’s leghurt)

二、判断下列单词中黑体字母读音是否相同,相同的写t,不同的写f。5() 1. hobbycollect() 2.

lookgood() 3. ridebike() 4. stampplay() 5.


) 1.上午见面应该说:

a .good good good bye.()2.询问对方身体状况,应该说:

a.nice to meet how are you?c. may i know your name?()3.询问某人银行在那里时应该说:

a. excuse me, where is the bank?b.

sorry, where is the bank?c. thank you, where is the bank, please?


a. how are you?b. happy nice to see you.考试。

) 5.别人对你说:“happy new year!

”时,你应该说:a. thank the same to 6.

mike: who’s that girl?kate

a. she’s my sister, he’s my brother. c.

she is over there.()7. we go to onb.

inc. by

) 8. -how can i get to the post office?--you can __the no.

11 takeb. 9. -what’s your hobby?

--i like

a. make kitesb. made kitesc.

****** kites() 10. -what’s __hobby?--he likes playing heb.

hisc. your

) 11. -what did you do last weekend?--i __my grandparents.

a. visitb. visitedc.

visits() 12. ann __cartoons on tv every watchesb. watchingc.

to watch() 13. tom says he __china is going tob. are going toc.

am going to() 14. _he learn english last night?a.

didb. does c. is

) 15. -what’s the matter __you?--i feel sick.

i h**e a sore withb. forc. of四、排列下列句子。

5) i went to a park. how about you?考试。

) did you watch tv?

) what did you do last weekend?()yes, i did.

) i read books with my sister.五、从b栏中选出a栏相应的答案。10

ab() 1. who’s your mathteacher?a.

she works in a factory.()2. where is the bus stop?

b. i cleaned the room.()3.

what did you do yesterday?c. miss liu.

) 4. did you h**e a good time?d.

it’s in front of the park.()5. where does you mother work?

e. yes, i did.六、完形填空。

10it’s a sunny day. little water drop _1_ in a river. he wakes _2_.

he feels very _3_. it _4_ cooler upin the sky, he thinks. he goes _5_.

he meets mr. wind.--hillo,_6_ are you?

--i’m little water drop. i’m_7_.-8_ are you going?

--i’m _9_ to the sky. it’s hot _10_ the river.--see you.--bye.

) 1 a sleepb sleepsc sleeping() 2 a upb onc come() 3 a he**yb coolc hot() 4 a mayb mustc may be() 5 a upb onc come() 6 a whatb howc who() 7 a hotb coolc cold() 8 a whatb wherec how() 9 a goesb goingc went() 10 a onb atc in考试。


1. itoontofootschool

2. howitomuseumthecanget3. wetogoingtvwatchtogether4. mikei4cmthanamtaller

5. youlastwhatdoweekenddid八、看图完成句子。10

1. amyin the park yesterday.

2. -what did mike do last weekend3. -does amy like reading books4.

-which season do you like best

5. -what is she doing

九、阅读理解。10a happy family

has a sister. her name is kate. she is only four.

news*****. mrs. brown is out of the house, and she is watering the flowers.

is mike withhis mother? no, he is cleaning his new bike. where is kate?

she is in her room. she is playing with考试。

her toy cat. what a happy family!()1.

mike’s sister is kate.()2. mike has an old bike.

) 3. kate is playing with her toy cat.()4.

mike’s father is watching tv.()5. mrs.

brown is watering the flowers.十、写作。5

上周末你过的一定很快乐,以last weekend为题,写一篇短文。考试。


2005年芙蓉区小学英语六年级毕业考试卷。classnamemark 老师的话 同学们,你们即将步入中学,祝福你们学业有成!这份毕业试卷将。从听力 笔试两个部份对你们的英语学习进行检测,时量90分钟,满分80分,口试部份另占20分。相信你们一定能认真仔细地答题,而且会把字写好。听力部分 计30分 i...


笔试部分 70分 一 按照字母表顺序写出nn到uu之间的字母 用大小写 6分 nn uu二 把句子正确规范地写在四线三格内,注意大小写及标点符号。2分 what do you h e su hai and su yang 三 选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词,将序号写在括号内。6分 1.a.st...


班级姓名 一。按顺序写出所缺的大小写字母。f h o q k m v x 二。用直线连接下列英文单词和对应的中文意思。library 电影院 watch tv 牙疼。station 图书馆 wait for头疼。cinema 博物馆 play chess 看电视。museum 公园 headache...