
发布 2024-02-12 06:00:11 阅读 4913



nn uu二、把句子正确规范地写在四线三格内,注意大小写及标点符号。(2分)

what do you h**e su hai and su yang


( )1. a. stamp b. plan c. black d. date

( )2. a. these b. leg c. left d. friend

( )3. a. fine b. milk c. write d. mine

( )4. a. ago b. close c. clock d. home

( )5. a. study b. jump c. must d. duty

( )6. a. mean b. sweater c. he**y d. weather



3.元旦 the countryside



1. there are ten (box) in the classroom.

give this postcard toshe).

day is on theone)of june.

school ishe**y)than jim’s.

tao and his mothergo)for a walk after dinner yesterday.


( )1. i in class 5. ben in class 5, too. we classmates.

a. is, am, are b. am, is, arec. are, is, am

( )2. my shoes under the bed just now. but they there now.

a. are, weren’t b. were, weren’t c. were, aren’t

( )3. there’s apple tree in my garden. in tree, there’s small house for the birds.

a. an, the, a b. an, a, thec. a, the, a

( )4that woman, helen? –she’s miss li.

is that dress? is it hers?

a. who, whose b. whose, who’s c. who’s, whose

( )5. i usually go to school seven the morning.

a. at, on b. at, inc. about, on

( )6. this is our classroom. is next to .

a. your, our b. your, oursc. yours, ours

( )7. mr white is from . he’s . he speaks .

a. america, american, english b. american, america, english c. america, american, american

( )8. i a big garden behind my house. many flowers in it.

a. h**e, there are b. there are, h**e c. has, there is

( )9. there isn’t milk in the cup. would you like juice?

a. some, any b. any, somec. any, any

( )10. –gao shan see a film last sunday?

- no, he .

a. do, don’t b. does, doesn’tc. did, didn’t

( )11. –what does “no parking” mean? –it means .

a. we can park our bikes here

b. we can’t park our bikes here.

c. we can’t ride our bikes here.

( )12. –this is an exciting holiday. people usually make pumpkin lanterns and go to parties.

children wear(穿,戴) masks and dress up in costumes. what holiday is it? –it’s .

a. halloweenb. easter c. christmas


( )1. your skateboard is so beautiful. a. they’re theirs.

( )2. did you h**e an art festival? b. no, they aren’t.

( )3. are monkeys as big as elephants? c. thank you.

)4. how many postcards can you see? d. i’m hungry.

)5. let’s go swimming this afternoon. e. great!

)6. whose wallets are theyf. yes,he does.

)7. does jim swim slower than d**id? g. yes, we did.

)8. what’s the matterh. i can see seven.

七、根据**内容回答问题。(1~2题要求完整回答,3~5题可以简单回答)(5分cctv channel(**电视台频道)1

1. do you often watch tv after school

2. helen comes home at 5:00 can she watch animal world

3. what time does cartoon city start

4. peter likes football and baseball. which programme can he watch?

5. which programme do you like best


b: d**id, w do you often do on saturday? (b=ben d=d**id)

d: i u do my homework and sometimes help mum w housework.

b: what a sunday?

d: i like sso i often go swimming on sunday.

b: d your sister nancy go w you?

d: no, she d . she l shopping. she often g shopping with my mother.

b: you h**e a happy w , d**id. d: that’s r .


nancy and mary are at jinling primary school, they are good friends, and they are about the same age. as(因为) nancy lives in a house next to mary’s, they often go home together after school. one day, they talked about their birthdaysn=nancy m=mary)


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