
发布 2024-02-12 05:50:11 阅读 4839






i. 听音圈出你所听到的食物。(7分)

ii. 听音给下列物品排序。(8分)


susan linda jane mike peter sam


mum, the noodles are __

do you __some __mary?

no, _you.

__you want some pepper?

yesi like to add some __to my __

ok! _you are.



trainduckdoctor computer policeman


) 1. he is good at __

a. skating b. skatec. go skating

) 2. my mother __the dishes every day.

a. washb. washing c. washes

) 3. i h**e lunch __12:30.

a. atb. inc. on

) 4. this garden is __than that one.

a. beautiful b. more beautiful c. the most beautiful

) 5. –i’m sorry.

a. you are welcome. b. never mind. c. i don’t know.

) 6. my brother __to the cinema last night.

a. gob. goingc. went

) 7. i want __noodles.

a. ab. somec. an

) 8. this is my pencilis over there.

a. yourb. yoursc. you

) 9. mr lin is __the food.

a. cooking b. cookc. cooks

) 10. –thank you.

a. you are welcome. b. excuse me. c. i’m fine.

iii. 在方框中选出下列画线部分词语的反义词,填入横线上。(7分)

1. i want a long coat. i don’t want aone.

2. i h**e a thick sweater and he has aone.

3. my room is clean. my sister’s room is

4. i like the cheap t-shirt. i don’t like theone.

5. i’d like a cold drink. i don’t want a __one.

6. my brother is young. my grandpa is __

7. this box is too he**y. can i h**e a __one?

iv. 选择方框里的词语填空。(8分)

1. _one do you want, a long one or a short one? a short one.

2. _is the weather likeit’s sunny.

3. _is that manhe is my father.

4. _many cakes do you want? i want six.

5. _is your pencilit’s in my schoolbag.

6. _is hehe is a driver.

7. _do you go to schoolby bus.

8. _coat is thisit’s mine.

v. 连词成句。(10分)

1. h**e a sweets box i of

2. cycling she likes

3. shy the feels girl

4. america she from is

5. going am table i to tennis play



it is sunday morning. the children are playing in the park. nina is drawing a picture.

there is a river and some trees in her picture. amy is reading a book under the tree. steve is running with his dog.

bill is eating an ice–cream. sherry is very young. she is not happy and she is crying.

(哭)she wants to eat ice-cream. john is tired now. he is sleeping under the tree.

) 1. it is saturday morning.

) 2. there is a river in nina’s picture.

) 3. steve is running and bill is eating.

) 4. sherry doesn’t want an ice-cream.

) 5. john and amy are under the tree.


ben and john are good friends. they love little animals very much. they want to h**e a pet.

look! they are at the pet shop. ben wants a puppy.

he chooses a lovely puppy. john also wants to h**e a puppy as a pet. but he cannot because his flat is too small.

he chooses a parrot as a pet. it is talkative and pretty. they are very happy to h**e a new pet.

but ben doesn’t like john’s pet. the bird is too noisy.


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