六年级英语毕业考试卷 排版

发布 2020-08-17 10:48:28 阅读 6453


英语。time:50分钟 mark:50分) mark

listening part(听力部分)

. listen and choose. (听音选词,选出你所听到的单词)(4分)

) 1. a. kfc b. prcc. ufo

) 2. a. time b. homec. lunch

) 3. a. photo b. famousc. clever

) 4. a. morning b. afternoonc. evening

ii. listen and choose. (听音选图,选出与你所听内容相符的**)(4分)

) 1. a. b.

) 2. a. b.

) 3. a. b.

) 4. a. b.

iii. listen and tick. (根据所听内容,在相对应的**里打“√”4分)

. listen and choose.(听对话,根据对话内容选择正确答案)(3分)

) 1. where does tom live?

a. he lives in the south of china. b. he lives in the north of china.

) 2. what is jim doing?

a. he is sleepingb. he is playing with his toy cars.

) 3. did the boy visit changsha before?

a. yes, he didb. no, he didn’t.

) 4. how’s the weather?

a. it’s sunnyb. it’s rainy

) 5. what did amy h**e for lunch?

a. rice and milkb. fish and chips.

) 6. why is lingling wearing a dress?

a. because she is going to a party. b. because she is going for dinner.

. listen and circle.(听录音,根据所听内容圈出正确的单词。)(5分)

tokyo is a 【 city / town 】in japan. many people like visiting tokyo. some people

like the【 shops / restaurants 】there. some people like the food . some people like the

city because they like japanese songs and【films / buildings 】.

fuji(富士)is a very famous 【 mountain / river 】in japan. you can see it from

tokyo. people like【buying / taking 】 photos of it.

writing part (笔试部分)

i. write the letters. (默写26个字母,请按字母表顺序在四线格中写出每个字母的大小写) (6分)

ii. circle the words.(圈出每组中不同类的单词)(4分)

1. happy angry driver2. noodles cakes kites

3. june monday march4. boyfather mother

5. sunny rainy spring6. pencil dictionary food

7. japan london america8. tiger mouthmonkey

ⅲ.read and choose(选择与句子意思相符的**)(4分)

abcd ) 1. they had cups on their heads.

) 2. don’t talk in the library.

) 3. she couldn’t hear.

) 4. he is eating dinner, but the bell rings.

. write the sentences(连词成句,注意字母大小写和标点符号)(4分)

1. wishes, you, best, to

2. a, present, she, bought

3. are, the, swimming, ducks

4. what, f**ourite, is, your, season

v. read and choose(读句子,选择正确答案) (4分)

) 1. youplay in the road. it’s dangerous.

a. can b. should c. shouldn’t

) 2are you so happy? —because it’s my birthday today.

a. why b. howc. what

) 3. can i h**e some sweets

a. yes, i can. b. no, i can’t. c. sorry, you can’t.

) 4. —when did he go to new york? —he __there in 2011.

a. go b. wentc. going

) 5. this is my little sisteris very cute.

a. sheb. hec. they

) 6. we eat mooncakes on

a. spring festival b. thanksgiving day c. mid-autumn festival

) 7 . i’ve got a violini can’t play it.

a. and b. but c. for

) 8. _a chinatown in new york.

a. there is b. there are c. there were

. read and answer(阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题)(4分)

tom is 12 years old. he usually gets up at 6:30 every day.

he has breakfast at 7:00. at 7:

30, he walks to school. he has four classes in the morning. he likes and music very much.

he has lunch at school at 12:00. he likes to eat some rice, some chicken, some fish and some vegetables.

he has two classes in the afternoon. after classes, he goes home at 5:00 in the afternoon.


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