
发布 2024-02-11 15:05:08 阅读 7546





) 1. a. tomorrow b. tonight c. today

( )2. a. north b. south c. west

( )3. a. busy b. buy c. bookstore

( )4. a. actor b. actress c. artist

) 5. a. magazine b. dictionary c. trip

) 6. a. ship b. stop c. south

) 7. a. want b. with c. writer

) 8. a. sprout b. soil c. stop

) 9. a. plane b. west c. again

) 10. a. show b. know c. dictionary


) 1. a. you can go by the no.19 bus.

b. you can see the no.19 bus.

) 2. a. it’s next to the bookstore.

b. it’s a shoe store.

) 3. a. i’m going by plane.

b. i’m going to the great wall.

) 4. a. i’m going to buy a comic book this weekend.

b. i’m going to do my homework this weekend.

) 5. a. i like collecting stamps.

b. he likes collecting stamps.

( )6. a. she is a tv reporter.

b. she goes to work by bus.



1. usually to i go school by bike (.

2. going to my this weekend visit grandparents i’m (.

3. does your read father every news*****s evening (?

4. mother your go work how to does (?



1. i usually go to the bookstore with my friends (步行)

2. (直行) for 5 minutes , then you can see the cinema.


3. her brother mike likes (骑自行车).

4. my father usually (看电视) in the evening.


5. i put some flower (种子)into a pot.


)1at a yellow light.

a. stop b. wait c. go

教师李莉的事情是真实的吗( )2. -where is the library?

有趣的线造型美术教案 --it’s __the left of the bank.

概率论期末试卷及答案a. in b. of c. on

)3. her uncle is __engineer.

a. an b. a c. the

材料科学概论试题( )4. my parents like

a. take a trip b. takes a trip c. taking a trip

)5. what __you do then?

a. does b. are c. should

五、 读一读,判断下列各组单词中划线部分读音是否相同,相同的打“√”不同的打“×”

) 1. a. magazine b. cinema c. again

) 2. a. museum b. fruit c. subway

) 3. a. should b. cloud c. vapour

暑假防溺水安全教育教案( )4. a. singer b. cleaner c. reporter

整百,整千加减法教学反思( )5. a. stream b. bread c. east


i’m sarah. i live in a big city. usually my father goes to work by car.

he likes driving, but he doesn’t like driving to work. why is that? because it takes too much time.

there is always a lot of traffic. his car is very slow. he goes home very late every day.

and he is very tired. he doesn’t like playing with me after work.

昆虫记阅读题及答案 today, he is happy. “there is going to be a train near our home! i am going to work by subway next year.

it is fast. i can read news***** on the train. i can listen to music, too!

” my mom says,“then you can come back early and cook the meals.”i say, “you can play with me after work. ”

) 1. sarah’s father goes to work by bike

欧洲西部教学反思( )2. he likes driving.

) 3. he goes home very late every day.

) 4. he often plays with sarah after work.


来,做几个小题!module 1 一 完成单词。th s nd m ll n k l m tr m ght 二 短语翻译。离 近all of too long一万。多于millions of 颐和园五千公里。三 完成句子。1.tell me the great wall.2.i wantthere....

2024年小学六年级英语教师上学期个人工作总结 版本

小学六年级英语教师上学期个人工作总结 本学期,我担任六年级2,4班的英语课教学工作。为更好地总结经验,发现不足,更有针对性地提高自己今后的教学工作,现将本学期的教学工作总结如下 1 重视课堂教学,做一名受学生欢迎的好老师。悉心研究教材,研究学生,选择合适的教学方法。认真抓好常规教学,精心准备每一节课...


小学六年级英语教师上学期个人工作总结 本学期,我担任六年级2,4班的英语课教学工作。为更好地总结经验,发现不足,更有针对性地提高自己今后的教学工作,现将本学期的教学工作总结如下 1 重视课堂教学,做一名受学生欢迎的好老师。悉心研究教材,研究学生,选择合适的教学方法。认真抓好常规教学,精心准备每一节课...