
发布 2024-02-11 14:55:08 阅读 1132


一、 英汉短语互译。(共10分)



5.他们的教室 6.十四只羊

his the same school

all her bed


1. [kl k](英语单词2. foot(复数形式)

. there (同音词) 反义词)

5. do not (缩略形式) 6. sheep (复数形式)

7. two (同音词8. let’s (完全形式)

9. for (同音词10. fish(复数形式)


) 1. i h**e old book. a. a b. an c. the

) 2. the time, please? a. where’s b. what’s c. who’s

) 3. are they? they’re under the chair.

b. what c. who

) 4. can you get the letter me? a. in b. to c. at

) 5read in the sun. a. please not b. is c. are

) 6. where my shoes? a. am b. is c. are

) 7. my name betty. a. is b. am c. are

)8. what are they? they are .

a. workers b. doctor c. doctor’s

) 9. are they teachersthey are.

a. yes b. no c. sorry

)10. i go to bed ten.

a. in b. on c. at


.week , seven , are , there , in , days , a ,2. go , i , home , five , at ,

3. bed , your , under , shoes , are , the ,

4. the , name , boy’s , is , what ,

5. english , can , speak , you ,


this is our classroom. it is very big and bright. i like it very much.

there are 36 desks in the classroom. there’re 30 students in our class. amy is our english teacher.

she is 32 years old. she is a good teacher.

1. what’s the teacher’s name?

2. how many students are there in the class?

3. is amy a good teacher?

4. how old is amy?

5. is the classroom small?



a. how many chairs can you see? b. how many chair can you see?

c. where are the chairs? d. how many desks can you see?


. today is monday. b. today is tuesday.

c. what day is today? d. today is friday.

) 3. 你想对别人说“对不起”,可以说:

. thank you. b. thanks. c. sorry. d. goodbye.

) 4. 你想让别人看大象,应该说:

. look at the elephant. b. look the elephant.

c. look after the elephant. d. look out the elephant.

) 5. 你想问别人,“你在哪儿”时,应该说:

. show me the book. b. when are you?

c. where are you? d. what are you?

) 6. 你想对一个熟人打招呼,应该说:

. how do you do? bwhere are you?

c. hellod. bye-bye.

) 7. 下午与朋友见面时,应该说:

. good morning. b. good afternoon.

c. good evening. d. good night.

) 8. 你有事麻烦别人,可以说:

. excuse meb. you’re welcome.

c. thank youd. i’m sorry.

) 9. 你想说“我有6支铅笔”时,应该说:

a. i h**e six pencils. b. i h**e six pen.

b. there’re six pencils. d. there are six pen.

)10. 你想告诉别人“我很高”时,应该说:

. i’m tall. b. i was tall. c. i am short. d. i was short.


.that is a pen.(变为复数)

.they’re from canada.(变为一般疑问句)

.there are 45 students in the classroom.(根据答句提出问句)

.is your father at home?(作否定回答)

.where are your books?(根据实际情况作答)


姓名 一、 找出划线部分发音与其它单词不同的选项(10分)

)1、a. name b. bag c. at d. and

)2、a. ten b. desk c. bed d. me

)3、a. live b. his c. five d. fish

)4、a. on b. no c. shop d. not

)5、a. use b. much c. but d. lunch


1、i h**e a beautiful cat. name is mimi . it)

2. listen! some girlssing) in the classroom.

3. he often (h**e) dinner at home.

4.therebe) some water in the bottle.

5. it’s friday today . what she (do) this weekend?


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