
发布 2024-02-11 12:00:04 阅读 2412



一、根据所听到的内容, 判断**或句子对错,请在( )里打√或×。(6分)


三、根据你所听到的问题,选择最合适的答句, 并将相应字母填在题目前面的括号中(8分)

) 1 a. she is in the classroom. b. she is fourteen.

c. she is form canada.

) 2. a. this is my friend. b. yes, he is. friend.

) 3. a. i climbed mountains last monday.

b. i am going to water the flowers.

c. i sweep the floor every day.

) 4. a. happy birthday. b. it’s cold. c. it’s in may.

) 5. a. what about you?

b. no, i don’t. they are sour.

c. let’s h**e some grapes.

) 6. a. he is collecting stamps.

b. he usually goes to school on foot.

c. he likes playing the violin.

) 7. a. amy’s. b. chen jie’s.

) 8. a. he feels bored. b. she feels tired. feel sick.

四. 听录音,判断下列**对错,请在( )里打√或×。(6分)


strong younger shorter taller older

1) sarah isthan liu yun.

2) zhang peng isthan wu yifan.

3) mike isthan john.

4) chen jie’s hair isthan amy’s.

5) zoom is one yearthan zip.


七、听录音,请在每道题正确的选项上画“ ”4分)



)1、a、bus b、tree c、subway d、plane

)2、a、excited b、happy c、violin d、sad

)3、a、did b、went c、h**e d、played

)4、a、wash b、desk c、table d、chair

)5、a、bed b、dance c、sing d、read

二、看**,找短语,把短语序号填写在**下括号里。 (10分)

1. no left turn 2. ride a bike 3.

answer the phone 4. clean the room 5. play ping-pong 6.

eat good food 7. make a kite 8. clean the board 9.

draw pictures 10. go fishing


)1where is the bookshop?

it’s near the post office.

a、sorry b、goodbye c、excuse me

)2、they liketo music.

a. listens b. listeningc. listen

)3、sarahsad. what's the matterher?

a. look, and b. looks, and c. looks, with

)4、teacher’s day isseptember.

a. on b. inc. at

)5、what’s the weather like today?

a. it’s october 1stb. it’s sunny.

c. it’s pretty.

)6、i a cold.

a、h**e b、am c、has

)7、he cleanedbedroom last sunday.

a. he's b. his c. he


a、go shopped b、going shopping c、went shopping

)9、what you do last weekend?

a、are b、did c、do

)10、i h**e a sore throat.

a. excuse you are sad.

c. i am sorry to hear that.

)11、my grandfather usuallyat 6:oo in the morning.

a. getting up b. get up c. gets up

)12、weh**e a farewell party tomorrow.

a. areb. werec. are going to

)13、what would you like?

a. i don't like i'd like some chicken.

c. i like beef.

)14、how __she go to school in the morning ?

by bike.

a. is b. does c. do

) 15、my backpack isandthan yours.

a. bigger, he**y b. small, lighterc. bigger, he**ier


) 1. what can you doa. no,it isn’t

) 2. what’s the date todayb. you can take the no.10 bus.

) 3. what did you do last weekendc. it’s july 2nd.

) 4. is your birthday in mayd. i cleaned my room.

) 5. how can i get to the library? e. i can wash the clothes.

五、连词成句。(注意大小写和标点符号) (5分)

you where on go your holiday(?)

do yesterday you what(?)

you is matter the with(?)

六年级上册英语试题 期末考试试卷 人教 pep 含答案

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