
发布 2024-02-10 08:45:13 阅读 1294





) 1. a. meterb. lobster c. younger

) 2. a. hurt b. shark c. tired

) 3. a. matchb. each c. even

) 4. a. knowb. soon c. nose

) 5. a. betterb. matterc. headache

) 6. a. yesterday b. flyc. might

) 7. a. washedb. cleaned c. visited

) 8. a. peopleb. little c. bored

) 9. a. flub. feel c. funnier

) 10. a. medicine b. thinc. weekend




zhang: howare you?

mike: i'm 164 cm tall. howare you?

zhang: i'm 48 kg.

mike: what's the matter, zhang peng?

zhang: i h**e ai feel

mike: i'm sorry to hear that. what did you do yesterday evening?

zhang: ithe room



) 1. a. hand b. than c. arm d. head

) 2. a. feet b. leg c. wear d. hair

) 3. a. nose b. head c. tooth d. hear

) 4. a. angry b. sad c. play d. happy

) 5. a. last b. watched c. went d. studied


) 1. wu yifan is 164 __tall.

a. mm b. km c. cm

) 2. i'm __than you.

a. thin b. thinerc. thinner

) 3does amy feel?

---she is tired.

a. what b. how c. where

) 4. i'm two years __than my sister.

a. older b. oldder c. old

) 5. what __you do last weekend?

a. do b. did c. does

) 6. did you

a. go fishing b. went fishing c. going fishing




1. kg汉语意思) 汉语意思)

3. small比较级) 4. he**y比较级)

5. play过去式) 6. swim动词的-ing形式)


1. my arms are更长的) than yours.

2. the yellow monkey is更大的) than the brown one.

3. i feel sick. i牙疼).

4. -how do you feel?

---i am兴奋的).

5. -what did mike do yesterday?



1. me, are, you, than, taller, 4, cm (.

2. matter, is, what, the (?

3. do, last, did, you, what, weekend (?

4. you, he**y, are, how (?

5. yesterday, did, swimming, you, go (?

十。二、阅读理解 (10%)

i’m wu yifan. i was busy last weekend. on saturday morning, i washed my clothes.

then i cooked noodles. in the afternoon, i stayed at home and did my homework. in the evening, i visited my grandparents.

we had a big dinner together, i set the table and did the dishes after dinner. on sunday morning, i played sports with my friend. on sunday afternoon, i planted trees.

in the evening, i played computer games, watched tv and listened to music. i had a good time.


) 1. on saturday evening, i __

a. played sports b. did my homework c. visited my grandparents

) 2. i didn't __on sunday evening.

a. do my homework b. play computer games c. watch tv

) 3. i listened to music on __

a. saturday b. sunday c. friday evening

) 4. i had a __weekend.

a. happy b. sad c. angry



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