
发布 2024-02-11 09:20:19 阅读 3079



一。 用括号里的词的适当形式填空。 (11分)

1. let’smake) the park clean.

2. my shoesbe) dirty before, but theybe) clean now.

3. what are youdo)? ibe) going to get exercise.

4. listen! the birdssing).

5. whatdo) you do this morning? iwash) clothes.

6. did you h**eclass) yesterday? yes, i did.

7. therebe not) any bigshop) malls here last year.

二。 情景选择。 (5分)

1. 你想知道bob现在是否很累,你应该问他:

a. are you tired now? b. is bob tired now?

c. are you hungry now?

)2. 你想知道tim昨天为什么发烧,你应该问他:

a. why did tim h**e a fever yesterday?

b. why did you h**e a toothache yesterday?

c. why did you h**e a fever yesterday?

3. 当你看见tom很担心时,你应该对他说:

a. don’t worry. b. don’t cryc. don’t call.

4. 当别人对你说:would you like some apples or bananas? 你应回答:

a. no, thank youb. yes, pleasec. apples, please.

5. 你看见公园里有很多垃圾,你提议说:

a. why is there trash everywhere? b. let’s pick up the trash and make the park clean.

c. it is very dirty here. let’s go over there.

三。 单项选择。 (15分)

1. therea lot of trees in the garden last year.

a. areb. wasc. were

2. it’s not messy, it’s

a. tasty b. tidyc. dirty

3. pleasethe news***** to me.

a. watch b. seec. read

4. there were many redin the woods.

a. leafsb. le**esc. le**e

5your room tidy just now?

a. is b. did c. was

6. there wasn’tfast food in jiangmen.

a. anyb. somec. a

7. whattom do yesterday? heflowers.

a. do, plant b. did, planted c. does, plants

8. tony usuallyhis motherhousework.

a. helped, do b. help, doing c. helps, do

9. you mustat a green light.

a. gob. waitc. stop

10. were you healthy last year

a. yes, i were. b. yes, i wasc. yes, we are.

四。 仿写句子。 (12分)

model a:what was the bedroom like this morning? it was messy.

1. food, spicy and tasty

2. weather, warm

model b:what’s the matter with you? i h**e a fever.

1. tom’s sister, hurt her leg

2. sam, h**e a stomachache

五、连词成句。 (8分)

1. vegetables, plenty, health, of, for, your, are, good (.

2. were, my, on, this, floor, the, morning, books (.

3. saturday, did, the, mrs., to, go, black, last, park (?

4. supermarket, is, across, the, bank, from, the (?

六。 按实际情况回答问题。 (8分)

1. was the food tasty?

2. did you plant trees on last tree planting day?

3. what is the food like in guangdong?

4. what’s bad for your health?


以“my happy day”为题,写一段话,描写一下昨天你在**?做了什么事情等。不少于6个句子。



1. cook2. spicy3. paint4. jelly5. washed clothes

6. stay in bed7. it was messy this morning.

8. what was the hair like9. are they from canada?

10. i ate plenty of vegetables just now.

cbbca acbac


1. did you buy a hamburger yesterday?

2. was the weather cool and dry last night?

3. where is mr. green from?

4. what did jack do the day before yesterday?

5. happy new year!

6. what was the food like in canada?


三。 听录音判断对错,对的写“t”,错的写“f”。

1. it was snowy in winter.

2. where is the museum? go straight , turn left at the traffic light.

it’s next to the toy shop.

3. my books were on the bed this morning. they were messy.

4. is the chicken tasty? yes, it is.

5. he has an earache. he should see the doctor.

6. too much chocolate is bad for your teeth.

7. were your shoes dirty yesterday? no, they weren’t. they were clean.


2010 2011学年 上期 小学期末检测六年级。数学试卷。一 填空。共25分 2.如果每米截一小段,9米长的铁丝可以截成 段,每段铁丝是全长的 填分数 3 的倒数是它本身 与互为倒数。4 一幢教学大楼平面图的比例尺是1 200,表示实际距离是图上距离的 倍。5 六年级男生人数是女生人数的,则男生人...


一 填空 共20分,每空1分 1 小华坐在教室的第2列第3行,用 2,3 表示,小军在第1列第6行用 来表示,用 5,2 表示的同学坐在第 列第 行。的倒数是和互为倒数。4 苹果有36千克,梨子与苹果的同样多,则梨子有 千克。5 把一根长11米的钢丝分成两段,使其中的一段比另一段短,那么较长的一段是...


2007 2008学年度下学期小学六年级英语学业监测题。班级姓名评分。听力部分 40 一 听录音,选单词。10 1.a.meterb.lobster c.younger 2.a.hurt b.shark c.tired 3.a.matchb.each c.even 4.a.knowb.soon c....