
发布 2024-02-11 14:00:08 阅读 1786

pep小学英语六年级(下册)期末考查听力材料 2017.6

同学们,你们好!这是pep小学英语六年级(下)期末考查卷的听力部分。该部分共有五大题,每大题中的各个小题均连续读两遍。准备好了吗?让我们开始吧! (停顿00'02'')


现在请看第一题。(break 00'02'')each sentence: break 00'02'' repeat)(between sentences:

break 00'05'')

1. your cat is so big. my cat is smaller than yours.

2. there is big gym in my new school.

3. –how was your weekend, mike?

it was fun. i took a trip to shanghai with my family.

4. –don’t be angry, mike! you should take a deep breath.

ok! i will.

5. –did you play football last saturday?

no. it was rainy. i just stayed at home.

6. –i want to buy a magazine.

me, too. we can buy it together.

7. –look at the old photo. you had short hair then.

–yes, and i was quiet, too.

8. –you look tired, jack.

yes, i had a bad dream last night.


第二大题:听录音,判断。正确的打勾, 错误的画叉。

break 00'02'')each sentence: break 00'02'' repeat)(between sentences: break 00'05'')

1. –did you go fishing last weekend, zhang peng?

– no, i didn’t. i went camping.

2. –look! there is a big closet and an air-conditioner in my bedroom.

– it’s so cool.

3. –what’s the matter with you, john?

– i had a bad cold and slept in the bed all day.

4. –is your mother a police officer?

– yes, she is. she often helps people.

5. –what do you h**e for lunch on thursdays?

– we h**e some rice, pork, eggplant and potatoes.

that sounds good.

6. –which season do you like best?

– summer. swimming is my f**ourite sport.

break 00'02'')each sentence: break 00'02'' repeat)(between sentences: break 00'05'')


break 00'02'')each sentence: break 00'02'' repeat)(between sentences: break 00'05'')

1. what’s the date today, john?

2. can we go at a red light?

3. where are you going this weekend?

4. how can we get to the bookstore?

5. hi, mike! did you see my cat?

6. how was your holiday, zhang peng?

7. how did you go to beijing last summer vacation?

8. amy wears size 35. chen jie wears size 36. whose feet are bigger?



i h**e two good friends. they’re sally and jim. sally is 12 years old.

jim is three years older than her. he’s 15. jim is 45 kilograms.

he is ten kilograms he**ier than sally. sally is taller than jim. she’s 1.

62 metres, jim is 1.55 metres. sally is a chinese girl.

she lives in fuzhou. jim is a canadian boy. he lives in guangzhou now.

sally likes red. her f**orite sport is playing badminton. jim likes blue.

his f**orite sport is going cycling. i like them very much.

第五大题:听下面的对话,判断正(√)误(×)现在你有10秒钟的时间阅读本题。(break 00'02'')each sentence:

break 00'02'' repeat)(between sentences: break 00'05'')

break 00'10'')each dialogue: break 00'02'' repeat)(between dialogues: break 00'10'')

sarah: hi, mike? how was your weekend?

mike: it was bad.

sarah: i’m sorry to hear that. what happened?

mike: my family and i wanted to h**e a picnic in the park last saturday. but it was rainy.

sarah: so, what did you do?

mike: we stayed at home and watched tv. and then the tv was broken.

sarah: how about last sunday?

mike: last sunday, i played football with my friends. and i hurt my leg.

sarah: oh, that’s too bad. are you all right now?

mike: yes, i’m ok now. thank you, sarah.

sarah: please come to my birthday party this saturday. i’m sure we’ll h**e a good time.

will you come?

mike: sure! i will.



听力质量分析。听力题以考查学生简单处理信息的能力为主,另外还考查了学生的归纳综合能力 口语理解能力 以及综合素质能力,其分布如下 题号正确率 题号正确率 题号正确率 题号正确率 考查能力归纳综合的能力。考查方式题号题量。整合对话的主旨大意7,19 3,5,6,8,9,10,13,14,16,简单处理...


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