
发布 2024-02-10 01:15:12 阅读 6049



听力部分。一、听录音,找出你所听到的一组字母,并将序号填入题前括号内 (每题1分)

)1.a、cba b、ace c、bcd ( 6.a、dkg b、ekj c、dgk

)2.a、wfg b、gwf c、fgc ( 7.a、mgk b、ngk c、mjk

)3.a、oqt b、uqt c、qot ( 8.a、ril b、lir c、ira

)4.a、jgq b、gjp c、**p ( 9.a、pfd b、qeb c、efb

)5.a、bus b、bike c、dog ( 10.a、car b、cat c、hi


once upon a time, there was a poor (1) (farmer, doctor). he had an (2) (orange, apple) tree. he took good care of the tree.

in3) (summer, autumn), there were many oranges in the tree. one of them was very (4) (big, pretty). it was as big as volleyball.

the farmer was very (5) (surprised, happy). he took it to the king. the king was so happy that he g**e the poor farmer a lot of (6) (gifts, money).

when a (7) (rich, poor) man heard of it, he said, “it is only (8) (a, an) orange. why did the king give him so much money? i will give the king my gold (9) (cup, egg).

he will give me more money.”

the (10) (second, next) day, the rich man went to the king. when the king got the gold cup, he was very happy. “what a beautiful cup!

” he said, “i will (11) (give, buy) you something wonderful.” then he g**e the big orange to the rich man.


1. clean2. dry3.

5. south6.

happy10. strong


1. feel2. climb3. fly4. sit

5. catch6. take7. hear8. lie

9. see10. are


you can eat and drink herebookstore.

you can buy books hererestaurant.

you can see movies herestore.

you can go shopping heremovie theater.

you can read books herefield.

you can grow rice herelibrary.

you can see roosters herefarmhouse.

farmers live herefarmyard.

you can see starfish herebeach.

you can make a small castle with itsand.


can i take a bus therego straight. then turn left.

excuse me. where’s the escalatori wear small.

what size do you wear6 yuan.

how much is ittake bus no. 102 or 103.

how can i get to the beijing zoono. you can walk there.


i went to the beijing zoo with my friends today. there were many animals in the zoo.

we went to see the peacock first. we fed the peacock corn. the peacock was happy.

he opened his beautiful tail and danced for us. we all clapped our hands.

then we went to see the hippos. the hippos were very large. their legs were short and their ears were small.

the hippos could swim well.

it was getting dark. we went home by bus. we were tired, but we had a lot of fun.

1. 根据短文内容填空。

1) ito the beijing zoo. 2) first we went to see the

3) the peacockhis tail. 4) the hipposvery large.

5) we were tired, but we

2. 根据短文判断正t误f.

1) (there were few animals in the zoo.

2) (the peacock ate corn.

3) (we were happy when we saw the beautiful tail.

4) (the hippo were small.

5) (we went home by bike.

每周背诵:susan is going to her drawing class苏珊要去上绘画课。

peter is going to ride bikes with his friends皮特要和朋友去骑车。

tom is going to play in the park汤姆要去公园玩。

the teacher is going to see a new movie老师要去看一场最新电影。

the girls are going to play on the seesaw女孩们要去玩跷跷板。

jenny is doing her homework at home珍妮正在家里做家庭作业。


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