
发布 2024-02-14 17:50:06 阅读 6636


1、吵醒2. laugh loudly

3.就在那时4. become friends

5.从那时起6. pour…into

7.起床早8. listen to his teachers

9.感觉困倦 fast


) 1. i know that girl __

a. goodb. wellc. fine

) 2. liu tao sometimes feels

a. sleepb. sleepingc. sleepy

) 3. my mothergets up early.

a. alwayb. awayc. always

) 4. my father usually puts his things __order.

a. inb. onc. at

) 5. can you walk

a. fastb. fastlyc. good

) 6. does su yang h**ebad habits?

a. someb. anyc. a

) 7. the boy reads

a. carefullyb. carefulc. be careful

) 8. can you teachenglish?

a. ib. mec. my

) 9. don’t talk here. my mother

a. is sleepingb. are sleepingc. sleeping

) 10are the boys doing? —they’rein the room.

a. what; singing b. what; sing c. how; singing

) 11does liu tao play football? —he plays it __

a. what; good b. how; well c. where; bad

) 12you __your homework last night? —no, i didn’t.

a. did; finish b. do; finishc. do; finished

) key is on the floor. can youfor me?

a. pick it up b. pick up itc. lift it up

) 14. mike___to school from monday to friday.

a. gob. goesc. went

) 15. he never __his homework on time.

a. finishb. finishesc. finish


1. he alwaysh**e) breakfast on time.

2. would you likebuy) things for your party?

3. liu taoget) up late yesterday.

4. the boyclean) the house now.

5. he sometimesgo) to school by bus.

6. i can walkfast).


1. he has some good habits.(改为一般疑问句)

heany good habits?

2. wang bing always puts his things in order.( 改为否定句)

wang bingalwayshis things in order.

3. the students should go to school late. (改为否定句)

the studentsto school early.

4. liu tao sometimes feels tired .(改为一般疑问句)

___liu tao sometimestired ?.

5. they went to tina’s bedroom.(对画线部分提问)

they go?


1. 杨玲总是保持她的房间干净整洁。

yang ling alwaysher roomand

2. 我有时在早上感到困。

iin the morning.

3. 王兵很了解刘涛。

wang bingliu tao


heto his teachers


) it doesn’t matter. i usually do like this.

) i get up at eight.

) why do you get up so late?

) you h**e a bad habit.

) you look so sleepy.

) when do you get up, liu tao?

) i went to bed too late yesterday.


wang bing has a new friend. his name is tom. tom lives in new york, but now he is in hangzhou with his parents.

tom usually goes to school by bus. he likes playing football and watching tv. he has many good habits.

he often watches tv at 7:00 in the evening and goes to bed at 9:30.

tom’s father is a teacher. he has a car, so he goes to work by car. he often reads news***** after breakfast.

he likes drawing pictures.

tom’s mother is an accountant(会计),and she works in a company. she goes to work by bike .she likes singing songs and playing the violin.

) 1. tom is in new york now.

) 2. tom has many bad habits.

) 3. tom’s father often reads news***** after breakfast.

) 4. tom often watches tv at 7:00 in the evening and goes to bed at 9:30.

) 5. tom’s mother works in a hospital.


每个人都有自己的生活习惯。请以“my habits”为题写一篇短文来谈谈你的一些习惯。(不少于5句话。


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